matlab - 在两个元胞数组 22124x1 中查找重复的字符串值

标签 matlab

我有一个单元格 22124x1,它包含重复的值,我想知道这些值重复了多少次以及它们的索引

第一个单元格包含这些值 Datacell=



 'OR1D4 '
  ' OR1D5'
   ' UTP14C'
    'GTF2H2 '
   'ZNF324B '
  ' LOC644504'
   'JMJD7 '
  'ZNF324B '
  ' OR2A5 '
   'OR1D4 '

例如,我想要像这样的单元格 1 的输出

ID               duplicated       index
'221853_s_at'       1               1
'221971_x_at'       4             {2:5,1}

我尝试使用 unique 但它不起作用。任何帮助将不胜感激


以视觉上令人愉悦的方式生成索引并不一定是一项简单的工作。如果您假设 d 已排序,事情就会变得更简单。


d = {'221853_s_at'; '221971_x_at'; '221971_x_at';  '221971_x_at'; '221971_x_at'; ...
     '222031_at'; '222031_at'; '31637_s_at'; '37796_at'; '38340_at' ...
d = sort(d); % Sort to make indices easier

% Find unique strings and their locations
[uniquestrings, ~, stringbin] = unique(d);
counts = accumarray(stringbin, 1);

repeatidx = find(counts - 1 > 0);
repeatedstrings = uniquestrings(repeatidx);
repeatcounts = counts(repeatidx) - 1;

% Find where string repeats start
startidx = find([true; diff(stringbin) > 0]);
repeatstart = startidx(repeatidx);
repeatend = startidx(repeatidx + 1) - 1;

% Generate table, requires R2013b or newer
t = table(repeatedstrings, repeatcounts, repeatstart, repeatend, ...
          'VariableNames', {'ID', 'Duplicated', 'StringStart', 'StringEnd'} ...


t = 

         ID          Duplicated    StringStart    StringEnd
    _____________    __________    ___________    _________

    '221971_x_at'    3             2              5        
    '222031_at'      1             6              7        

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