forms - 交响乐 2.8.x : Custom FormType overwrites form variables

标签 forms symfony

我有一个包含多个字段的表单。 我还使用一些自定义表单类型,例如 DivType 来添加文本、按钮、图片或其他内容,而不是映射到数据库。

将代码升级到 Symfony 2.8 语法会导致不良行为。


class ExampleType extends AbstractType {
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {

        // A couple of fields, for example field1
        $builder->add('field1', 'text', array(
            //  text field

        // A div element
        $builder->add('div_id_1', new DivType(), array(
            'content' => 'Just some content in the first div',

        // Another div
        $builder->add('div_id_2', new DivType(), array(
            'content' => 'A div with some images, buttons or other cool stuff',


我的 DivType.php:

class DivType extends AbstractType {

    private $content;
    private $id;

    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
        $this->content = $options['content'];
        $this->id = $builder->getName();

    public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) {
        $view->vars['div_content'] = $this->content;
        $view->vars['div_id'] = $this->id;

    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) {
        $resolver->setDefaults(array (
            'mapped' => false,
            'content' => false,

    public function getName() {
        return 'div';
    public function getBlockPrefix() {
        return 'div';



{% block div_row %}
    <div id="{{ div_id }}">
    {% if div_content is defined and div_content %}
        {{ div_content }}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

div 的结果(到目前为止工作正常:-):

<div id="div_id_1">
    Just some content in the first div
<div id="div_id_2">
    A div with some images, buttons or other cool stuff

现在我正在升级到 symfony 2.8:
在探查器的弃用消息中,此行显示: “自版本 2.8 起,不推荐将类型实例传递给 FormBuilder::add()、Form::add() 或 FormFactory,并且在 3.0 中不再受支持。请改用完全限定的类型类名称 (MyBundle\Form\Type\DivType)"

因此,我将 ExampleType 类中的语法更改为新语法 (DivType::class):

$builder->add('div_id_1', DivType::class, array(
    'content' => 'Just some content in the first div',
$builder->add('div_id_2', DivType::class, array(
    'content' => 'A div with some images, buttons or other cool stuff',

现在的结果并不是我所期望的。 我得到了添加到表单中的 div 数量,但所有内容都被最后添加元素的值覆盖,这显然不是很有用...

<div id="div_id_2">
    A div with some images, buttons or other cool stuff
<div id="div_id_2">
    A div with some images, buttons or other cool stuff



感谢 Cerad,我能够解决这个问题! 显然我把它弄得太复杂了......在 buildView 方法中使用 $options 并从 buildForm 方法中删除它们确实完成了这项工作。

我的新 DivType:

class DivType extends AbstractType {

    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {


    public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) {
        $view->vars['div_content'] = $options['content'];
        $view->vars['div_id'] = $options['div_id'];

    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) {
        $resolver->setDefaults(array (
            'mapped' => false,
            'content' => false,

    public function getBlockPrefix() {
        return 'div';


也许更好、更简洁的方法是直接在 twig 中使用 element-id,使用变量“”作为 id,而不是添加额外的变量“div_id”:

<div id="{{ }}">

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