winforms - 如何实现ScintillaNET列编辑模式

标签 winforms textbox scintilla scintillanet


notepad++一样alt+鼠标拖动来选择文本 block ,或者拉下一个长垂直光标并按某个键在光标上方的每一行插入一个字符。

我尝试了 ScintillaNET,但它 not suppor the column-modet对于插入,只能删除选定的文本 block


notepad++ ScintillaNET


我找到了解决的方法。仍在使用 ScintillaNET。


class SelWrap
    public int Begin { get; set; }
    public int Length { get; set; }


editor.KeyDown += (s, e) =>
    // filter alt we will hold down alt to make vertical selection
    if (e.Alt) return;

    var tb = editor;
    if (tb.Selections.Count < 2) return; // no in column mode

    e.SuppressKeyPress = true; //block input, handle by below code

    //refered from post #5825820
    var input = Utility.GetCharFromKey(e.KeyCode).ToString();
    if (input == "\0")

    var array = tb.Selections
        .OrderBy(p => p.Start)
        .Select(p => new SelWrap{Begin=p.Start, Length=p.End - p.Start })

    //do process every caret(or selection)
    for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
        var item = array[i];

        if (item.Length > 0) 
            //if has selected text, just clean
            tb.DeleteRange(item.Begin, item.Length);

            for (var j = i + 1; j < array.Length; j++)
                array[j].Begin -= item.Length;

        if (input == "\b") //backspace 
            if (item.Length != 0) continue;

            //delete a char before caret
            tb.DeleteRange(item.Begin - 1, 1);

            for (var j = i; j < array.Length; j++)
        else //just insert that
            tb.InsertText(item.Begin, input);

            for (var j = i; j < array.Length; j++)


    //restore caret status to keep column mode
    tb.SetSelection(array[0].Begin, array[0].Begin);
    for (var i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
        var item = array[i];
        tb.AddSelection(item.Begin, item.Begin);


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