将简单文本文件读入 R - BLS 数据

标签 r read.table

我试图了解如何将 BLS 数据库中的一些文本文件读入 R。

url <- "http://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/oe/oe.datatype"
datatype <- read.table(url)
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, :line 1 
did not have 6 elements


datatype <- read.table(url, header = FALSE)
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  
:line 1 did not have 6 elements


datatype <- read.table(url, sep="\t")

最后一个方法几乎有效,但是当我检查数据框时,看起来第一列已转换为行名称,最后一列填充了 NA。

                          datatype_code datatype_name
01                                 Employment            NA
02 Employment percent relative standard error            NA
03                           Hourly mean wage            NA
04                           Annual mean wage            NA

我还尝试下载并检查该文件,但不确定我在 Notepad++ 中查看的内容。

download.file(url, "datatype.txt")
datatype <- read.table("datatype.txt", sep='\t')

                                datatype_code datatype_name
01                                 Employment            NA
02 Employment percent relative standard error            NA
03                           Hourly mean wage            NA
04                           Annual mean wage            NA



正如 @zx8754 所指出的,这个特定文件在每一行中都有一个额外的制表符“\t”,标题行除外。


url <- "http://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/oe/oe.datatype"
df <- read.delim(url, skip = 1, header = FALSE)
#   V1                                         V2 V3
# 1  1                                 Employment NA
# 2  2 Employment percent relative standard error NA
# 3  3                           Hourly mean wage NA
# 4  4                           Annual mean wage NA
# 5  5       Wage percent relative standard error NA
# 6  6                Hourly 10th percentile wage NA


header <- read.delim(url, nrows = 1, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df) <- header
#   datatype_code                              datatype_name NA
# 1             1                                 Employment NA
# 2             2 Employment percent relative standard error NA
# 3             3                           Hourly mean wage NA
# 4             4                           Annual mean wage NA
# 5             5       Wage percent relative standard error NA
# 6             6                Hourly 10th percentile wage NA


df <- df[-3]

关于将简单文本文件读入 R - BLS 数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36504590/


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