Scala 蛋糕模式和自类型注释

标签 scala dependency-injection cake-pattern

我正在尝试遵循此 blog 中的示例。我理解这个示例,但在实现它时遇到困难。

trait Database {
  // ...

trait UserDb {
  this: Database =>
    // ...

trait EmailService {
  this: UserDb =>
    // Can only access UserDb methods, cannot touch Database methods

该示例提到完整的数据库功能将从 EmailService 中隐藏 - 这就是我所追求的,但不知道如何正确实现这些特征。


trait Database {
    def find(query: String): String

  trait UserDb {
    this: Database =>

  trait EmailService {
    this: UserDb =>

  trait MongoDatabase extends Database {


  trait MongoUserDb extends UserDb with MongoDatabase{


  class EmailServiceImpl extends EmailService with MongoUserDb {
    override def find(query: String): String = {

这对我来说看起来很奇怪,因为 MongoDatabase 特征没有要求 find 实现,当我实现 EmailService 时,系统提示我进行 find实现,尽管示例提到这将从 EmailService 中隐藏。我在这里缺少什么?


第一个片段无法编译,但第二个片段会... 归根结底,我希望有不同的 Repository 实现,我可以在它们依赖的数据库之间切换,我是否接近下面的代码片段之一?

trait Database {
    def find(s: String): String

  trait Repository {
    this: Database =>

  class UserRepository extends Repository {
    def database = new MongoDB

    class MongoDB extends Database {
      def find(s: String): String = {

trait Repository {
    def database: Database

    trait Database {
      def find(s: String): String

  trait UserRepository extends Repository {
    def database = new MongoDB

    class MongoDB extends Database {
      def find(s: String): String = {


如上所述,MongoUserDB 不会要求实现,因为它是一个特征。然而,由于 EmailServiceImpl 扩展了它需要提供实现的特征。 您正在寻找的内容可以通过添加另一个抽象来完成。我使用 serviceDAO 架构来完成此操作。 下面是一个工作示例,您可以使用它来看看它是否适合您。

//All future versions of DAO will extend this
trait AbstractDAO{
  def getRecords:String
  def updateRecords(records:String):Unit
//One concrete version
trait concreteDAO extends AbstractDAO{
  override def getRecords={"Here are DB records"}
  override def updateRecords(records:String){
    //Actual DB calls and operations
    println("Updated "+records)
//Second concrete version
trait concreteDAO1 extends AbstractDAO{
  override def getRecords={"DB Records returned from DAO2"}
  override def updateRecords(records:String){
    //Actual DB calls and operations
    println("Updated via DAO2"+records)
//This trait just defines dependencies (in this case an instance of AbstractDAO) and defines operations based over that
trait service{
  this:AbstractDAO =>

  def updateRecordsViaDAO(record:String)={  
  def getRecordsViaDAO={

//Test Stub
object DI extends App{
  val wiredObject = new service with concreteDAO //injecting concrete DAO to the service and calling methods

  val wiredObject1 = new service with concreteDAO1




    trait Database {
    def find(s: String): String

trait MongoDB extends Database{
  def find(s:String):String = { "Test String" }
trait SQLServerDB extends Database{
  def find(s:String):String = { "Test String2" }

  trait Repository {
    this: Database =>

  class UserRepository extends Repository with MongoDB{  //  UserRepository is injected with MongoDB here
    find("call MongoDB") //This call will go to the find method in MongoDB trait

  class UserRepository1 extends Repository with SQLServerDB{  //  UserRepository is injected with SQLServerDB here
    find("call SQLServerDB") //This call will go to the find method in SQLServerDB trait

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