list - 从方案中的列表中删除负值

标签 list duplicates scheme

解决方案采用一个列表并从该列表中删除否定元素。否定形式由头部带有 not 的列表表示。例如,如果我有 '(a (not b) c (not f) (not a) b e) 我的输出应该是 '(c (not f) e) 。我编写了函数remove-x,它从列表中删除一个元素;match?,它接受一个值并返回列表中的匹配值。如果我的值是 'a ,它将从列表中返回 '(not a)

所以我的问题出在解析函数上。我想查找是否有任何否定元素,如果有,我想删除该元素及其否定。我还需要一种方法来弄清楚如果没有对我的列表进行任何更改,如何返回 false:

   (define (resolution? alist)
     (cond ((null? alist) '())
           ((not (equal? #f (match? (car alist) (cdr alist))))
               (and (remove-x (match? (car alist) (cdr alist)) alist) 
                    (remove-x (car alist) alist)))
           (else (cons (car alist) (resolution? cdr alist)))))


   (define (match? value alist)
    (cond ((null? alist) #f)
          ((and (list? (car alist)) 
                (equal? value (car (cdr (car alist)))))
             (car alist))
          ((equal? value (car alist)) (car alist))
          (else (match? value (cdr alist)))))

    (define (remove-x x alist)
     (cond ((null? alist) '())
           ((equal? x (car alist)) (cdr alist))
           (else (cons (car alist) (remove-x x (cdr alist))))))



; obtain the non-negated variables in the list
(define (vars alist)
  (filter (lambda (e) (not (pair? e))) alist))

; obtain the negated variables in the list
(define (negated-vars alist)
  (map cadr (filter pair? alist)))

; find the set difference between two lists
(define (difference lst1 lst2)
  (cond ((null? lst1) '())
        ((member (car lst1) lst2)
         (difference (cdr lst1) lst2))
         (cons (car lst1) (difference (cdr lst1) lst2)))))

; build the resolution, traverse alist and for each member
; check if it's in the corresponding white list of variables
(define (build-resolution alist clean-vars clean-negs)
  (cond ((null? alist) alist)
        ((if (pair? (car alist))
             (member (cadar alist) clean-negs)
             (member (car alist) clean-vars))
         (cons (car alist) (build-resolution (cdr alist) clean-vars clean-negs)))
         (build-resolution (cdr alist) clean-vars clean-negs))))

; pre-calculate lists, call the procedure that does the heavy lifting
(define (resolution? alist)
  (let* ((vs (vars alist))
         (nv (negated-vars alist))
         (clean-vars (difference vs nv))
         (clean-negs (difference nv vs))
         (resp (build-resolution alist clean-vars clean-negs)))
    (if (equal? alist resp) #f resp)))


(resolution? '(a (not b) c (not f) (not a) b e))
=> '(c (not f) e)

(resolution? '(a (not b) c (not d) (not e) f g))
=> #f

关于list - 从方案中的列表中删除负值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


stream - 方案中的流问题

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