c# - 将 void 函数作为带有两个实参的参数传递

标签 c# delegates

我想将函数 TagContactByMail 传递给 SetTimer,而不是 2 个字符串。

 public void AddTagToContact(string tagName, string contactEmail)
                SetTimer(tagName, contactEmail);

这是我想要作为参数传递给 SetTimer 的函数。

private void TagContactByMail(string contactEmail, string tagName)
        //Stop timer.

        //If the time passed or we successfuly tagged the user. 
        if (elapsedTime > totalTime || tagSuccess)

        //Retrieve the Contact from Intercom by contact email.
        Contact contact = contactsClient.List(contactEmail).contacts.FirstOrDefault();

        //If Contact exists then tag him.
        if (contact != null)
            tagsClient.Tag(tagName, new List<Contact> { new Contact() { id = contact.id } });
            tagSuccess = true;

        //If Contact doesn't exist then try again.
        aTimer.Enabled = true;
        elapsedTime += interval;

我不想传递给 SetTimer 2 个字符串,而是想传递一个像 TagContactByMail 这样的函数,它接受 2 个字符串并且不返回任何内容。

 private void SetTimer(string tagName, string contactEmail)
            //Execute the function every x seconds.
            aTimer = new Timer(interval);
            //Attach a function to handle.
            aTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => TagContactByMail(contactEmail, tagName);
            //Start timer.
            aTimer.Enabled = true;

我希望 SetTimer 是通用的,这样我也可以向它发送其他函数,我该怎么做?


使用Action(T1, T2) :

Encapsulates a method that has two parameters and does not return a value.

private void SetTimer(Action<string, string> handle)
    // ...




如果您期望传递一个用两个参数准备的方法,那么您只需从 SetTimer 调用它而不知道实际参数,您可以这样做:

private void SetTimer(Action handle)
    //Execute the function every x seconds.
    aTimer = new Timer(interval);
    //Attach a function to handle.
    aTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => handle();
    //Start timer.
    aTimer.Enabled = true;


public void AddTagToContact(string tagName, string contactEmail)
    SetTimer(() => TagContactByMail(contactEmail, tagName));

关于c# - 将 void 函数作为带有两个实参的参数传递,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38438578/


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