wordpress - 为 Super Socializer 社交登录添加过滤器

标签 wordpress plugins filter

我正在使用一个名为 Super Socializer 的插件它允许用户使用 Twitter 和 Facebook 登录。我想用 HTML 文本替换社交登录图标。我是 WordPress 中使用过滤器的新手,这种方法对我来说是新的。


$customInterface = apply_filters('the_champ_login_interface_filter', '', $theChampLoginOptions, $widget);


`add_filter('the_champ_login_interface_filter', 'changeIconsToText');

function changeIconsToText() {
    // code to change icons to text




function heateor_ss_custom_social_login_icons( $html, $theChampLoginOptions, $widget ) {
    if ( isset( $theChampLoginOptions['providers'] ) && is_array($theChampLoginOptions['providers'] ) && count( $theChampLoginOptions['providers'] ) > 0 ) {
        $html = the_champ_login_notifications( $theChampLoginOptions );
    if ( ! $widget ) {
        $html .= '<div class="the_champ_outer_login_container">';
    if ( isset( $theChampLoginOptions['title'] ) && $theChampLoginOptions['title'] != '' ) {
        $html .= '<div class="the_champ_social_login_title">' . $theChampLoginOptions['title'] . '</div>';
    $html .= '<div class="the_champ_login_container"><ul class="the_champ_login_ul">';
    if ( isset( $theChampLoginOptions['providers'] ) && is_array( $theChampLoginOptions['providers'] ) && count( $theChampLoginOptions['providers'] ) > 0 ) {
        foreach ( $theChampLoginOptions['providers'] as $provider ) {
            $html .= '<li><i ';
    // id
    if( $provider == 'google' ) {
        $html .= 'id="theChamp' . ucfirst( $provider ) . 'Button" ';
    // class
    $html .= 'class="theChampLogin theChamp' . ucfirst( $provider ) . 'Background theChamp' . ucfirst( $provider ) . 'Login" ';
    $html .= 'alt="Login with ';
    $html .= ucfirst( $provider );
    $html .= '" title="Login with ';
    if ( $provider == 'live' ) {
        $html .= 'Windows Live';
    } else {
        $html .= ucfirst( $provider );
    if ( current_filter() == 'comment_form_top' || current_filter() == 'comment_form_must_log_in_after' ) {
        $html .= '" onclick="theChampCommentFormLogin = true; theChampInitiateLogin(this)" >';
    } else {
        $html .= '" onclick="theChampInitiateLogin(this)" >';
    $html .= '<ss style="display:block" class="theChampLoginSvg theChamp' . ucfirst( $provider ) . 'LoginSvg"></ss></i></li>';
    $html .= '</ul></div>';
    if ( ! $widget ) {
        $html .= '</div><div style="clear:both; margin-bottom: 6px"></div>';
    return $html;

add_filter( 'the_champ_login_interface_filter', 'heateor_ss_custom_social_login_icons', 10, 3 );

关于wordpress - 为 Super Socializer 社交登录添加过滤器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41784597/


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