c++ - 统计数学问题

标签 c++ algorithm random statistics selection

我正在开发 Texas Hold 'em hand-range equity evaluator,它使用 Monte Carlo 模拟评估手牌分布。我遇到了两个烦人的问题,我无法给出任何理由。



AA - 6 hands
KK - 6 hands

We pick up a board cards and after that, one hand randomly from both players which does not collide with the board cards.
The given example gives the following equities, which are correct:

AA = ~81.95%
KK = ~18.05%

Now the problem. If the evaluator first chooses the hole cards and the board cards after that, this doesn't work. Then I get something like this:

AA = ~82.65%
KK = ~17.35&

Why does it get biased? What does it matter, if one chooses hole cards or board cards first? Obviously it does, but cannot understand why.

Problem #2:

If I have ten hand-distributions with the following ranges:


my evaluator is very slow. This is due the fact that when choosing hole cards from the distributions, there's a lot of collisions. There's many trials before we get ten hole cards and a board, which does not collide. So, I changed the method how the evaluator chooses a hand from the distribution:

// Original - works.

void HandDistribution::Choose(unsigned __int64 &usedCards, bool &collided)
        _pickedHand = _hands[(*Random)()];

        collided = (_pickedHand & usedCards) != 0;
        usedCards |= _pickedHand;

// Modified - Doesn't work; biased equities.

void HandDistribution::Choose(unsigned __int64 &usedCards, bool &collided)
        // Let's try to pick-up a hand from this distribution ten times, before
        // we give up.

        // NOTE: It doesn't matter, how many attempts there are (except one). 2 or 10,
        // same biased results.

        for (unsigned int attempts = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
                _pickedHand = _hands[(*Random)()];

                collided = (_pickedHand & usedCards) != 0;

                if (!collided) {
                        usedCards |= _pickedHand;


        // All the picks collided with other hole cards...



仅供引用,我使用的是 Boost 的随机数生成器,更准确地说是 boost::lagged_fibonacci607。不过,同样的行为也会发生在梅森扭曲器上。


func Calculate()
        for (std::vector<HandDistribution *>::iterator it = _handDistributions.begin(); it != _handDistributions.end(); ++it) {
                (*it)->_equity = 0.0;
                (*it)->_wins = 0;
                (*it)->_ties = 0.0;
                (*it)->_rank = 0;

        std::bitset<32> bsBoardCardsHi(static_cast<unsigned long>(_boardCards >> 32)),
                        bsBoardCardsLo(static_cast<unsigned long>(_boardCards & 0xffffffff));
        int cardsToDraw = 5 - (bsBoardCardsHi.count() + bsBoardCardsLo.count()), count = 0;
        HandDistribution *hd_first = *_handDistributions.begin(), *hd_current, *hd_winner;
        unsigned __int64 deadCards = 0;
        boost::shared_array<unsigned __int64> boards = boost::shared_array<unsigned __int64>(new unsigned __int64[2598960]);

        memset(boards.get(), 0, sizeof(unsigned __int64) * 2598960);

        hd_current = hd_first;

        do {
                deadCards |= hd_current->_deadCards; // All the unary-hands.

                hd_current = hd_current->_next;
        } while (hd_current != hd_first);

        if (cardsToDraw > 0)
                for (int c1 = 1; c1 < 49 + (5 - cardsToDraw); ++c1)
                        if (cardsToDraw > 1)
                                for (int c2 = c1 + 1; c2 < 50 + (5 - cardsToDraw); ++c2)
                                        if (cardsToDraw > 2)
                                                for (int c3 = c2 + 1; c3 < 51 + (5 - cardsToDraw); ++c3)
                                                        if (cardsToDraw > 3)
                                                                for (int c4 = c3 + 1; c4 < 52 + (5 - cardsToDraw); ++c4)
                                                                        if (cardsToDraw > 4)
                                                                                for (int c5 = c4 + 1; c5 < 53; ++c5) {
                                                                                        boards[count] = static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c1
                                                                                                      | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c2
                                                                                                      | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c3
                                                                                                      | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c4
                                                                                                      | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c5;

                                                                                        if ((boards[count] & deadCards) == 0)
                                                                        else {
                                                                                boards[count] = static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c1
                                                                                              | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c2
                                                                                              | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c3
                                                                                              | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c4;

                                                                                if ((boards[count] & deadCards) == 0)
                                                        else {
                                                                boards[count] = static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c1
                                                                              | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c2
                                                                              | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c3;

                                                                if ((boards[count] & deadCards) == 0)
                                        else {
                                                boards[count] = static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c1
                                                              | static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c2;

                                                if ((boards[count] & deadCards) == 0)
                        else {
                                boards[count] = static_cast<unsigned __int64>(1) << c1;

                                if ((boards[count] & deadCards) == 0)
        else {
                boards[0] = _boardCards;
                count = 1;

        _distribution = boost::uniform_int<>(0, count - 1);

        boost::variate_generator<boost::lagged_fibonacci607&, boost::uniform_int<> > Random(_generator, _distribution);

        wxInitializer initializer;

        Update *upd = new Update(this);

        _trial = 0;
        _done = false;

        if (upd->Create() == wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR)

        hd_current = hd_first;

        ::QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *) &_timer);

        do {
                hd_current = hd_first;

                unsigned __int64 board = boards[Random()] | _boardCards, usedCards = _deadCards | board;
                bool collision;

                do {
                        hd_current->Choose(usedCards, collision);

                        hd_current = hd_current->_next;
                } while (hd_current != hd_first && !collision);

                if (collision) {
                        hd_first = hd_current->_next;


                unsigned int best = 0, s = 1;

                // Evaluate all hands.

                do {
                        hd_current->_pickedHand |= board;

                        unsigned long i, l = static_cast<unsigned long>(hd_current->_pickedHand >> 32);
                        int p;
                        bool f = false;

                        if (_BitScanForward(&i, l)) {
                                p = _evaluator[53 + i + 32];
                                l &= ~(static_cast<unsigned long>(1) << i);
                                f = true;

                        if (f)
                                while (_BitScanForward(&i, l)) {
                                        l &= ~(static_cast<unsigned long>(1) << i);
                                        p = _evaluator[p + i + 32];

                        l = static_cast<unsigned long>(hd_current->_pickedHand & 0xffffffff);

                        if (!f) {
                                _BitScanForward(&i, l);

                                p = _evaluator[53 + i];
                                l &= ~(static_cast<unsigned long>(1) << i);

                        while (_BitScanForward(&i, l)) {
                                l &= ~(static_cast<unsigned long>(1) << i);
                                p = _evaluator[p + i];

                        hd_current->_rank = p;

                        if (p > best) {
                                hd_winner = hd_current;
                                s = 1;
                                best = p;
                        } else if (p == best)

                        hd_current = hd_current->_next;
                } while (hd_current != hd_first);

                if (s > 1) {
                        for (std::vector<HandDistribution *>::iterator it = _handDistributions.begin(); it != _handDistributions.end(); ++it) {
                                if ((*it)->_rank == best) {
                                        (*it)->_ties += 1.0 / s;
                                        (*it)->_equity += 1.0 / s;
                } else {


                hd_first = hd_current->_next;
        } while (_trial < trials);


对于问题 #1,我不认为偏见是问题固有的,而是您的实现所固有的。

我的意思是,如果你发无限多手牌,首先发牌,然后玩家发牌 (*),并且只考虑一手牌是 AA 的“发牌”另一个是 KK,胜率应该和你发无限多手牌一样,先发玩家手牌,然后发牌,再次只考虑一手是 AA,一手是 KK 的“发牌”。


如果您先放置公共(public)牌,则没有限制,如果您在此之后随机选择一对 AA/KK 手牌,直到您没有碰撞,则您有 (*)


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