matlab - 以可变采样率平均周期性数据

标签 matlab average interpolation

我有一长串[x,y] 玩具车绕轨道运行 5-6 圈的坐标值。每圈的数据点数量不一致(每圈有 50-60 个 [x,y] 点)。在 Matlab 中绘制的数据是有意义的,它绘制了汽车在赛道上移动的情况:


但是,我需要以某种方式对嘈杂的圈数进行平均,以创建更准确的单一赛道 map 。


我考虑过对 [x,y] 数据进行排序,以将所有点连接到一圈中,但这不起作用,因为轨道是圆形的。




% Assume that the first point is the start point (t = 0)
start_point = path(1,:);

% Compute the distance to this point for all data points
distances = sqrt(sum(bsxfun(@minus, path, start_point).^2, 2));

% Find the minima of this curve (these are all the times that the car passed the start)
% We apply some smoothing to get rid of necessary noise. Really depends on your data
[~, locs] = findpeaks(smooth(-distances, 20));

% Make sure we include the first and last point
locs = [1; locs; numel(distances)];

% Desired samples for each loop
nSamples = 1000;

% Pre-allocate the outputs
xpoints = zeros(numel(locs) - 1, nSamples);
ypoints = zeros(numel(locs) - 1, nSamples);

for k = 1:(numel(locs) - 1)
    % Get the coordinates recorded for this particular loop
    loop_points = path(locs(k):locs(k+1),:);

    % Compute the cumulative arc-length using these points
    arc_length = cumsum([0; sum(diff(loop_points, [], 1).^2, 2)]);

    % Normalize the arc_length between 0 and 1
    arc_length = arc_length ./ arc_length(end);

    % Interpolate along the curve
    xpoints(k,:) = interp1(arc_length, loop_points(:,1), linspace(0, 1, nSamples));
    ypoints(k,:) = interp1(arc_length, loop_points(:,2), linspace(0, 1, nSamples));

% Average all the x and y locations
X = mean(xpoints, 1);
Y = mean(ypoints, 1);

plot(X, Y)


nLoops = 10;

x = [];
y = [];

for k = 1:nLoops
    nSamples = randi([50, 70]);

    t = linspace(0, 2*pi, nSamples + 1);
    t(end) = [];

    x = cat(1, x(:), cos(t(:)) + 0.1 * (rand(size(t(:))) - 0.5));
    y = cat(1, y(:), sin(t(:)) + 0.1 * (rand(size(t(:))) - 0.5));

path = [x(:), y(:)];

enter image description here

NOTE: findpeaks and smooth are toolbox functions that can likely be replaced with functions from the MATLAB File Exchange. Alternately, if you know when the car passes the beginning already, you can remove the usage of findpeaks altogether.

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