python - 为什么 Jupyter 在通过 Conda 安装时会降级 Tensorflow?

标签 python tensorflow anaconda jupyter conda

我在 Ubuntu 服务器上通过 Conda 安装了 Tensorflow 和 Jupyter。

为了获得英特尔优化的 Python 发行版,我使用英特尔 channel :

ubuntu@ip-172-31-35-247:~$ conda config --add channels intel
ubuntu@ip-172-31-35-247:~$ conda create -n idp intelpython3_core python=3

我首先安装 Tensorflow:

(idp) ubuntu@ip-172-31-35-247:~$ conda install tensorflow
Fetching package metadata ...........
Solving package specifications: .

Package plan for installation in environment /home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/idp:

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    backports:         1.0-py35_intel_6   intel [intel]
    backports.weakref: 1.0rc1-py35_0           
    bleach:            1.5.0-py35_intel_0 intel [intel]
    html5lib:          0.9999999-py35_0        
    markdown:          2.6.8-py35_0            
    protobuf:          3.2.0-py35_intel_0 intel [intel]
    tensorflow:        1.2.1-py35_0            
    werkzeug:          0.12.2-py35_0           

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

接下来我安装 Jupyter:

(idp) ubuntu@ip-172-31-35-247:~$ conda install jupyter
Fetching package metadata ...........
Solving package specifications: .

Package plan for installation in environment /home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/idp:

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    decorator:          4.0.11-py35_intel_0 intel [intel]
    entrypoints:        0.2.2-py35_intel_2  intel [intel]
    get_terminal_size:  1.0.0-py35_intel_5  intel [intel]
    ipykernel:          4.5.0-py35_intel_9  intel [intel]
    ipython:            5.3.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    ipython_genutils:   0.2.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    ipywidgets:         6.0.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    jinja2:             2.9.5-py35_intel_3  intel [intel]
    jsonschema:         2.5.1-py35_intel_5  intel [intel]
    jupyter:            1.0.0-py35_intel_5  intel [intel]
    jupyter_client:     5.0.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    jupyter_console:    5.1.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    jupyter_core:       4.3.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    libsodium:          1.0.10-intel_6      intel [intel]
    markupsafe:         0.23-py35_intel_6   intel [intel]
    mistune:            0.7.4-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    nbconvert:          5.1.1-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    nbformat:           4.3.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    notebook:           5.0.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    pandocfilters:      1.4.1-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]            10.1-py35_intel_0   intel [intel]
    pexpect:            4.2.1-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    pickleshare:        0.7.4-py35_intel_1  intel [intel]
    prompt_toolkit:     1.0.14-py35_intel_0 intel [intel]
    ptyprocess:         0.5.1-py35_intel_5  intel [intel]
    pygments:           2.2.0-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    pyzmq:              16.0.2-py35_intel_2 intel [intel]
    simplegeneric:      0.8.1-py35_intel_5  intel [intel]
    terminado:          0.6-py35_intel_6    intel [intel]
    testpath:           0.3-py35_intel_0    intel [intel]
    tornado:            4.4.2-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    traitlets:          4.3.2-py35_intel_0  intel [intel]
    wcwidth:            0.1.7-py35_intel_5  intel [intel]
    widgetsnbextension: 2.0.0-py35_0        intel
    zeromq:             4.1.5-intel_0       intel [intel]

The following packages will be SUPERSEDED by a higher-priority channel:

    html5lib:           0.9999999-py35_0          --> 0.999-py35_intel_0 intel [intel]

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    tensorflow:         1.2.1-py35_0              --> 1.1.0-np112py35_0       

为什么 Conda 会降级以前安装的 Tensorflow 软件包?与intel channel 有关吗?


我尝试重新创建您的环境,它对我来说效果很好。 Tensorflow 没有降级。也许这个问题在最新版本中已得到解决。

您还可以尝试通过 Anaconda 从 Intel Distribution for Python(IDP) 安装优化的 TensorFlow 库 - 请参阅 Intel Optimized TensorFlow* Installation Guide .

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