firebase - "firebase serve --only functions"移动项目文件夹后中断

标签 firebase google-cloud-functions firebase-tools

我一直致力于 Firebase 函数项目,在本地运行该服务进行测试。


那么 Firebase 到底在哪里“记住”项目/源的原始位置?



平台:Windows 7

下面是我运行“firebaseserve--onlyfunctions”并点击服务 URL 时的输出。

忽略带有“无法模拟...”和“无 HTTPS...”的行 - 这是正常的。 下一个“error:”行,其余部分在点击 URL 时发出。


a) The folder my project is in is shown on the first line (In standard Windows CMD prompt fashion)

b) The "Cannot find module" error is looking in A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FOLDER. In fact, it is looking where the project USED to be.

D:\_DEV\svn\FredSays\onGoogleAssistant\functions>firebase serve --only functions

=== Serving from 'D:\_DEV\svn\FredSays\onGoogleAssistant'...

i  functions: Preparing to emulate HTTPS functions. Support for other event types coming soon.
!  functions: Failed to emulate FredSays
i  functions: No HTTPS functions emulated. Support for other function types are coming soon.
error: module.js:471
    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'D:\_DEV\FredSays\actionssdk-say-number-nodejs-master\functions'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:469:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:417:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:497:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at process.on.e (D:\_TOOLS\nvm\v6.11.1\node_modules\firebase-tools\node_modules\@google-cloud\functions-emulator\src\supervisor\worker.js:64:28)
    at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
    at process.emit (events.js:191:7)
    at process.nextTick (internal/child_process.js:758:12)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:73:7)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
error: Function worker crashed with exit code: 1

我在项目树中找不到列出旧位置的任何内容。 我已尝试以下所有方法:

npm cache clean
firebase init functions
firebase logout & firebase login
DEL /S /Q node_modules & npm install
npm uninstall -g firebase-tools & npm install -g firebase-tools




我在我的 Ubuntu 开发环境中研究同样的问题时看到了你的帖子。我从 NFS 共享复制了一些代码到我的主目录,但我终其一生都无法让它在函数模拟器中运行 - 问题之一是代码仍在 NFS 安装路径上运行,而不是在 NFS 安装路径上运行。我运行 VS Code 的本地路径。


$firebase use
Active Project: fbgo-9f73a

Project aliases for /home/user/firebase/chappy:

* default (site-ID)

Run firebase use --add to define a new project alias.


$ firebase serve --only functions,hosting

=== Serving from '/home/user/firebase/chappy'...

i  functions: Preparing to emulate functions.
i  hosting: Serving hosting files from: public
✔  hosting: Local server: http://localhost:5000

✔  functions: app: http://localhost:5003/site-ID/us-central1/app

不幸的是,我没有 100% 确定的“之前和之后”,请告诉我这是否可以解决您的问题。

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