ssl-certificate - 如何在 Nexus 3 上安装 CA 证书?

标签 ssl-certificate x509certificate nexus3

我已在 CentOS Linux 版本 7.4.1708 上安装了 Nexus Repository Manager OSS 3.0.2-02。

我还有 CA 证书:

Issued to: \*  
Issued by: Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2  
Valid from 2016-11-12 to 2018-01-11

RSA 私钥与我的 CA 证书匹配,已使用 Certificate Key Matcher 检查并报告:

The certificate and private key match!

在 Nexus3 目录中我进行了以下更改:



添加到 jetty-https.xml 文件下一行:

KeyStorePath /ssl/test.jks  
KeyStorePassword 123456  
KeyManagerPassword 123456  
TrustStorePath ssl/test.jks  
TrustStorePassword 123456

$NEXUS_HOME/etc/ 中创建 SSL 目录,并在 SSL 目录内创建 Java keystore 文件 test.jks,命令为:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey key.pem -name -out test.pks
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass 123456 -destkeystore test.jks -srckeystore test.pks -srcstoretype PKCS12
keytool -import -alias bundle -trustcacerts -file gd_bundle.crt -keystore test.jks

Nexus 重新启动后,我无法通过 URL // 访问它。火狐浏览器说:

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified


Error response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

我还尝试通过 Google 的各种场景链接证书,包括 How to add certificate chain to keystore? ,但在 Docker 上出现错误:

Error response from daemon: Get // EOF

在 Firefox 上,与第一次相同,在 Chrome 上:

// unexpectedly closed the connection



我已经找到解决办法了。只需要在 jetty-https.xml 下一行中设置:

<Set name="NeedClientAuth"><Property name="jetty.ssl.needClientAuth" default="false"/></Set>
<Set name="WantClientAuth"><Property name="jetty.ssl.wantClientAuth" default="false"/></Set>

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