recursion - 生成递归和结构递归有什么区别?

标签 recursion functional-programming scheme racket

Racket 中的生成递归和结构递归有什么区别?



例如,处理列表lox。最简单的情况是当 lox 为空时。否则,第一个子问题是处理(first lox),第二个子问题是处理(rest lox)。您可以通过调用辅助函数来解决每个子问题,然后组合解决方案。

(define (process-list-of-x lox)
    ;; trivial case
    [(empty? lox) ...]
    [(cons? lox)
     ; combine the solutions
      ; solve the first sub-problem
      (process-x (first lox))         ; data-def tells you what the first sub-problem is
      ; solve the second sub-problem
      (process-list-of-x (rest lox))  ; data-def tells you what the second sub-problem is

不同的是,结构递归告诉您子问题是什么,而在生成递归中,子问题可以是任何东西。你经常需要一个新的想法来打破它。针对问题而非数据的 Eureka 时刻。

(define (solve-problem prob)
    ;; trivial case
    [(trival-problem? prob) (... prob ...)]
     ; combine the solutions
      ; solve the first sub-problem
      (solve-problem (generate-first-sub-problem prob))   ; you have to figure this out
      ; solve the second sub-problem
      (solve-problem (generate-second-sub-problem prob))  ; data-def doesn't tell you how


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