c++ - 如何在不写入任何内容的情况下获得 stringstream 的实际最大大小?

标签 c++ c++11 stringstream

我正在用下面的程序处理大的 libpacp 文件。

我对 stringstream 可以从操作系统分配的实际最大内存大小感到困惑。



环境:Windows 10,VS,符合 Win32-Released(32 位)模式。


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>

#define HeaderBytes 24
#define MaxPkgBytes 65544  //65536+8
#define KeepDays 7
#define KeepSeconds (KeepDays*86400)
#define StartTimeOffset (-1*86400)  // -1 day

using namespace std;

typedef struct{
    int size;
    char data[MaxPkgBytes];

int catoi(const char* ca){
    char tmp[4];
    int* iptr;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        tmp[i] = ca[3 - i];
    iptr = reinterpret_cast<int*>(tmp);
    return *iptr;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <windows.h>
#include <iomanip>
wstring str2wstr(const std::string& s)
    int len;
    int slength = (int)s.length() + 1;
    len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s.c_str(), slength, 0, 0);
    wchar_t* buf = new wchar_t[len];
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s.c_str(), slength, buf, len);
    wstring wstr(buf);
    return wstr;
#endif // _MSC_VER

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    string inFileName, outFileName;
    stringstream outBuf;
    fstream fs_in, fs_out;
    char buf_char;
    int buf_int, headercount = 0, curPkgIdx= 0, lastPkgIdx = 1, tmp;
    bool isBroken = false, isValid;
    clock_t mytime;
    unsigned int StartTime = 0, PkgTime;
    pkg buf_pkg[2];

    if (argc != 2){
        return 1;

    inFileName = argv[1];
    fs_in.open(inFileName, ios::binary | ios::in);
    if (!fs_in){
        cout << "Can't open the file: " << inFileName << endl;
        return 1;

    outFileName = inFileName;
    outFileName.insert(outFileName.rfind('.'), "_integrated");
    fs_out.open(outFileName, ios::binary | ios::out);
    if (!fs_out){
        cout << "Can't open the file: " << outFileName << endl;
        return 1;       

    int invalidPConuter = 0;
    long long outBufMaxPos = 0;

    buf_pkg[0].size = 0;
    buf_pkg[1].size = 0;

    mytime = clock();
    fs_in.read(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data, HeaderBytes);
    outBuf.write(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data, HeaderBytes);
    if (fs_in){
        fs_in.read(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data, 4);
        StartTime = catoi(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data);
        StartTime += StartTimeOffset;
        fs_in.seekg(-4, ios_base::cur);
    cout << "start" << endl;
    while (fs_in.get(buf_char)){
        fs_in.seekg(-1, ios_base::cur);
        if (buf_char == -95 ){    //0xa1
            fs_in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buf_int), sizeof(int));
            if (buf_int == 0xd4c3b2a1){  //a1b2 c3d4
                fs_in.seekg(HeaderBytes-4, ios_base::cur);
            else fs_in.seekg(-4, ios_base::cur);
            fs_in.read(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data, 16);
            PkgTime = catoi(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data);

            /*Set isValid*/
            if (PkgTime - StartTime < KeepSeconds) isValid = true;
            else isValid = false;

            if (isValid){  //last packetage is valid
                /*store size of packetage*/
                buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].size = catoi(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data + 8);
                /*store size of packetage*/
                if (buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].size > MaxPkgBytes) isValid = false;
            if (isValid) //Pass packet size check
                /*read packetage data*/
                fs_in.read(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data + 16, buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].size);
                buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].size += 16;
                /*read packetage data*/

                /*write last packetage data*/
                outBuf.write(buf_pkg[lastPkgIdx].data, buf_pkg[lastPkgIdx].size);
                if (static_cast<long long>(outBuf.tellp()) > outBufMaxPos)
                    outBufMaxPos = static_cast<long long>(outBuf.tellp());
                else if (static_cast<long long>(outBuf.tellp()) == -1)
                    cout << "outBufMaxPos: " << outBufMaxPos << endl;

                if (outBuf.tellp() >= 0x40000000 - MaxPkgBytes) // 1GB
                    cout << "write" << endl;
                    fs_out << outBuf.rdbuf();
                /*write last packetage data*/

                /*swap idx of buffer*/
                tmp = curPkgIdx;
                curPkgIdx = lastPkgIdx;
                lastPkgIdx = tmp;
                /*swap idx of buffer*/
            if (!isValid)
                isBroken = true;
                fs_in.seekg(-buf_pkg[lastPkgIdx].size - 15, ios_base::cur);

                /*search correct packetage byte by byte*/
                int tmpflag = 0;

                /*Let PkgTime be invalid.
                If packet is invalid because of its size, original PkgTime was valid*/
                PkgTime = StartTime + KeepSeconds; 

                while (PkgTime - StartTime >= KeepSeconds &&             fs_in.read(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data, 4)){
                    PkgTime = catoi(buf_pkg[curPkgIdx].data);
                    fs_in.seekg(-3, ios_base::cur);
                fs_in.seekg(-1, ios_base::cur);
                /*search correct packetage byte by byte*/

                buf_pkg[lastPkgIdx].size = 0; //reset the size of the invalid packetage

    mytime = clock() - mytime;
    cout << "Repair pacp: " << mytime << " miniseconds." << endl;
    cout << "Number of deleted headers: " << headercount << endl;

    mytime = clock();

    if (headercount || isBroken){
        fs_out << outBuf.rdbuf();
#ifdef _MSC_VER
        wstring originFileName, newFileName;
        originFileName = str2wstr(inFileName);
        newFileName = str2wstr(inFileName.insert(inFileName.rfind("."), "_origin"));

        int flag = MoveFileExW(originFileName.c_str(), newFileName.c_str(), 0);
        if (!flag)
            cout << "fail to rename origin file" << endl;
            cout << showbase // show the 0x prefix
                << internal // fill between the prefix and the number
                << setfill('0'); // fill with 0s
            cout << "Error code: " << hex << setw(4) << GetLastError() << dec << endl;
            newFileName = originFileName;
            originFileName = str2wstr(outFileName);
            flag = MoveFileExW(originFileName.c_str(), newFileName.c_str(), 0);
            if (!flag)
                cout << "fail to rename output file" << endl;
                cout << showbase // show the 0x prefix
                    << internal // fill between the prefix and the number
                    << setfill('0'); // fill with 0s
                cout << "Error code: " << hex << setw(4) << GetLastError() << dec << endl;

#endif //_MSC_VER       

        wstring tmpwstr = str2wstr(outFileName);
        if (!DeleteFileW(tmpwstr.c_str()))
            cout << "Cannot deleted tmp file (integrated)" << endl;
        cout << "The file is completed. Do nothing." << endl;

    mytime = clock() - mytime;
    cout << "Rename file: " << mytime << " miniseconds." << endl;
    return 0;



using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    //leave over the varibles
    string inFileName, outFileName;
    fstream fs_out;
    char buf_char;
    int buf_int, headercount = 0, curPkgIdx= 0, lastPkgIdx = 1, tmp;
    bool isBroken = false, isValid;
    clock_t mytime;
    unsigned int StartTime = 0, PkgTime;
    pkg buf_pkg[2];
    int invalidPConuter = 0;
    long long outBufMaxPos = 0;

    //the varibles will be mentioned
    fstream fs_in;
    stringstream outBuf;


    if (fs_in){
        StartTime = first_packet_time + StartTimeOffset;

    while (!fs_in.eof()){
        if (a header read from fs_in){ 
            skip the block of header
            fs_in.read(packet header);

            if (time of packet isValid){
                check size of packet
            if (size and time isValid)
                fs_in.read(packet data);  
                outBuf.write(packet data);

                if(outBuf out of range)
                    print(max stringstream size)

                if (outBuf size >= 1GB)
                    write outBuf into output file
            if (size or time isNotValid)
                find next valid packet byte by byte

    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#define testsize (80*1024*1024)
int main()
    stringstream ss;
    char* buf = new char[testsize];
    int i = 0;
    memset(buf, 'a', testsize);
    while (i < 30)
        ss.write(buf, testsize);
        cout << ss.tellp()/1024/1024 << endl;

在第一部分中,stringstream 的最大大小被限制在大约 674MB。

但在第二部分中,stringstream 的最大大小被限制在 2GB 左右。


如何在不写入任何内容的情况下获得 stringstream 的实际最大大小?








一些硬性限制。显而易见的是,一个 32 位进程只有 4 GB 的地址空间。尝试通过普通方法(例如,new)分配(比如说)8 GB 不可能成功——永远不会。

大小为 N 的单个分配需要该地址范围内的 N 个连续字节范围。特别是在一个进程运行了一段时间后,可用地址空间(独立于底层内存)将趋于碎片化,因此无论可用内存如何,能够成功的最大单次分配将是最大碎片的大小可用地址空间。

在某些情况下,还有“软”限制。例如,在 Windows1 中,您可以创建一个“作业对象”,并指定在该作业对象中运行的进程使用的最大内存。即使物理 RAM 可用,这也会阻止分配成功。


<子> 1.这里我以Windows为例,因为问题是针对Windows的。尽管机制和名称各不相同,但基本思想远非 Windows 所独有;大多数其他操作系统都提供类似的功能。

关于c++ - 如何在不写入任何内容的情况下获得 stringstream 的实际最大大小?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39598420/


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