r - 使用饼图比较分类变量的聚类分布和总体分布

标签 r ggplot2 pie-chart





enter image description here

其中外部饼图可视化集群 1相对频率,内部饼图表示总体的相对频率人口


mydf <- data.frame(week_day = as.factor(c(rep("monday",10), rep("monday",5), rep("tuesday",5))), cluster = c(rep(1,10), rep(2,10)))

此处,集群 1 完全由“星期一”组成,而总体人口 则由 75% 的“星期一”和 25%“星期二”。

可以使用以下方法轻松计算 ggplot aes 中的相对频率:

y = (..count..)/sum(..count..)


假设您正在查看一个具有 4 个类别 A B C D 的变量,并且您有这种类型的数据框。

d <- tribble(~Category, ~Overall, ~Cluster1,
         "A", 250, 20,
         "B", 250, 110,
         "C", 250, 30,
         "D", 250, 40) %>%
gather(Overall, Cluster1, key = "Cluster", value = "Count")

这意味着:“整个数据集,250 个点属于 A 类,250 个点属于 B 类,等等。在 Cluster1 中,20 个点属于 A 类,110 个点属于 B 类,等等。

ggplot 假设饼图是用极坐标绘制的(缩放的)条形图。

要获取具有相对频率的条形图,请在 geom_bar 中指定 position = "fill" 参数

ggplot(data = d) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity",
         position = "fill", #automatically scales the bars form 0 to 1, necessary for polar corrdinates
         aes(x = Cluster, y = Count, fill = Category))

它为您提供了以下图表: Bar chart with relatives frequences

然后,您需要切换到极坐标,并指定 y 轴作为角度参数。径向参数将是您的集群/整体分布。


d$Cluster <- factor(d$Cluster, levels = c("Overall","Cluster1"))
#`Overall` has the lowest factor index to be displayed

然后,添加 coord_polar 图层:

ggplot(data = d) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity",
         position = "fill", #automatically scales the bars form 0 to 1, necessary for polar corrdinates
         aes(x = Cluster, y = Count, fill = Category),
         width = .9) + #play with the width of the bins for the blank space between the circles. 1 = no blank space
coord_polar(theta = "y") +#the y coordinated becomes the angular parameter
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) #I didn't look for a fancy way to display radial labels


Pie chart with relative frequences

关于r - 使用饼图比较分类变量的聚类分布和总体分布,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48278648/


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