- ASP.Net Web API Controller 单元测试 POST

标签 unit-testing moq xunit

我是单元测试新手,正在尝试为我的 Web API Controller 的 POST 创建一些 Xunit 测试方法。

这是我的 Controller 的 POST方法:

public async Task<IActionResult> CreateArea([FromBody] AreaForCreationDto area)
    // Check that the 'area' object parameter can be de-serialised to a AreaForCreationDto.
    if (area == null)
        var message = "Could not de-serialise the request body to an AreaForCreationDto object";

        // Return an error 400.
        return BadRequest(message);

     * ModelState.IsValid is determined by the attributes associated with the 
     * Data Annotations on the properties of the ViewModel.
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        // Return a response with a Status Code 422.
        return new UnprocessableEntityObjectResult(ModelState);

    // Map a AreaForCreationDto object to a Area entity.
    var areaEntityToAdd = _mapper.Map<Area>(area);

    // Call the repository to add the new Area entity to the DbContext.

    // Save the new Area entity, added to the DbContext, to the SQL database.
    if (await _areaRepository.SaveChangesAsync())
        // Note: AutoMapper maps the values of the properties from the areaEntityToAdd
        // to a new areaToReturn object.
        // This ensures that we don't expose our Area entity to the web browser.
        var areaToReturn = _mapper.Map<AreaDto>(areaEntityToAdd);

        // Return a 201 'created' response along with the location URL in the
        // response Header.
        return CreatedAtRoute("GetArea",
            new { id = areaToReturn.Id },
    else {
        // The save failed.
        var message = $"Could not save new Area {areaEntityToAdd.Id} to the database.";
        throw new Exception(message);

我编写的第一个单元测试旨在确保在发送 POST 请求时,对象可以反序列化为 AreaForCreation对象,该函数返回 201 CreatedAtRouteResult以及已创建的新区域。

这是 Xunit 测试:

public void ReturnAreaForCreateArea()

    var _mockAreaRepository = new Mock<IAreaRepository>();
        .Setup(x => x.AddArea(testArea));

    var _mockMapper = new Mock<IMapper>();
        .Setup(_ => _.Map<Area>(It.IsAny<AreaForCreationDto>()))

    var _mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger<AreasController>>();
    var _sut = new AreasController(_mockAreaRepository.Object, _mockLogger.Object, _mockMapper.Object);

    // Act
    var result = _sut.CreateArea(testAreaForCreationDto);

    // Assert
    var objectResult = Assert.IsType<CreatedAtRouteResult>(result);
    var model = Assert.IsAssignableFrom<AreaDto>(objectResult.Value);
    var areaDescription = model.Description;
    Assert.Equal("Test Area For Creation", areaDescription);

当单元测试尝试 Assert.IsType<CreatedAtRouteResult>(result) 时,我抛出异常。调试显示 Controller 无法保存到存储库。我的AreaRepository有以下 AddArea 函数,它不返回值,所以我假设我的 _mockAreaRepository不需要Return条件集(这里可能是错误的)。

我需要配置我的 mockAreasRepository调用SaveChangesAsync()的结果?



await _areaRepository.SaveChangesAsync()



public async Task ReturnAreaForCreateArea() { //<-- note test is now async as well

    var _mockAreaRepository = new Mock<IAreaRepository>();
        .Setup(x => x.AddArea(testArea));

        .Setup(x => x.SaveChangesAsync())
        .ReturnsAsync(true); //<-- returns completed Task<bool> when invoked

    var _mockMapper = new Mock<IMapper>();
        .Setup(_ => _.Map<Area>(It.IsAny<AreaForCreationDto>()))
        .Setup(_ => _.Map<AreaDto>(It.IsAny<Area>()))

    var _mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger<AreasController>>();
    var _sut = new AreasController(_mockAreaRepository.Object, _mockLogger.Object, _mockMapper.Object);

    // Act
    var result = await _sut.CreateArea(testAreaForCreationDto);//<-- await 

    // Assert
    var objectResult = Assert.IsType<CreatedAtRouteResult>(result);
    var model = Assert.IsAssignableFrom<AreaDto>(objectResult.Value);
    var areaDescription = model.Description;
    Assert.Equal("Test Area For Creation", areaDescription);

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