firebase - 如何查找我的 Google 应用程序凭据 key.json

标签 firebase google-cloud-functions

我尝试按照 instruction here 在本地运行 Firebase 函数.


$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path/to/key.json"

$ firebase experimental:functions:shell


$ firebase serve --only functions




To set up admin credentials for emulated functions (other than Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database):

  • Open the Service Accounts pane of the Google Cloud Console.
  • Make sure that App Engine default service account is selected, and use the options menu at right to select Create key.
  • When prompted, select JSON for the key type, and click Create.
  • Set your Google default credentials to point to the downloaded key

只有您知道刚刚从控制台下载的 JSON 文件的路径。将该文件的完整路径放在那里。

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