ServiceStack - 使用 OpenApiFeature 自定义生成的 OpenAPI JSON

标签 servicestack openapi

使用 ServiceStack OpenApiFeature,openapi.json 文件中生成的 operationId 遵循以下约定:

[RequestName][没有第一个路径的路由路径切片*][http 动词][数字(如果需要唯一性)

没有第一个路径的路由路径切片*只是删除路径中的第一项。因此,如果路由路径是 blog/author/name,逻辑将获取 author/name

这是在 OpenApiService::GetOperationName method 中定义的。在某些情况下,此逻辑会在依赖 openapi.json 的工具中创建次优操作命名。例如,如果您有一项服务公开客户详细信息、客户摘要等的 GET 操作,并且详细信息请求的定义如下:

[Api("Get a customer's details.")]
[Route("/customer/details", "GET")]
public class GetCustomerDetailsRequest : IReturn<GetCustomerDetailsResponse>
{ ... }

路线将是这样的(这很好): /customer/details?customerId=2

...但是生成的 OpenAPI operationId 将为 GetCustomerDetailsRequestdetails_Get,这不太好。

有没有办法使用OpenApiFeature自定义生成的operationId?如果没有,是否有其他命名约定可以维护 REST 式的路由约定,但提供更好的 OpenAPI operationId

编辑:感谢mythz用于指出 ApiDeclarationFilter。它允许您完成自定义生成的openapi.json。这就是我更改 operationId 的方式:

Plugins.Add(new OpenApiFeature
            ApiDeclarationFilter = declaration =>
                foreach (var p in declaration.Paths)
                    foreach (var httpVerb in _httpVerbs) // _httpVerbs is just a list of http verbs
                        // retrieve the operation value using reflection and pattern matching.  This is to prevent having to use a switch statement to go through each http verb and check if it's been implemented
                        if (p.Value.GetType().GetProperty(httpVerb).GetValue(p.Value) is OpenApiOperation operation)
                            // Set the "OperationId" property using the convention [RequestClassName]_[Http Verb].  Note for simplicity here, I'm not checking for a unique operation Id.  You should do that to ensure open api compliance
                            ReflectionHelper.SetProperty($"{httpVerb}.OperationId", p.Value,


除了 API metadata attributes ,您可以使用 filters available 进一步自定义返回的 JSON 内容,例如:

Plugins.Add(new OpenApiFeature
    ApiDeclarationFilter = (openApiDoc) => ...,
    OperationFilter = (verb, operation) => ...,
    SchemaFilter = (schema) => ...,
    SchemaPropertyFilter = (openApiProperty) => ...,

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