java - 递归方法中 ArrayList 的行为

标签 java recursion arraylist reference

我有一个 vector 数组列表,我试图找到所有可能的不同路径(不重复相同的节点)。但是保存路径记录的 ArrayList 似乎是共享的,因此会在所有路径中泄漏。我的问题是,是否有我应该使用的替代列表类型来防止这种情况发生?谢谢。


首先,我决定只处理起始节点 A 的路径。



上一个 vector :SA
vector 历史大小:1
下一个 vector :AB
上一个 vector :AB
vector 历史大小:2
下一个 vector :BC
上一个 vector :BC
vector 历史大小:3
下一个 vector :CD
上一个 vector :CD
vector 历史大小:4
下一个 vector :DA
循环 - ABCDA
vector 历史大小:4
下一个 vector :AC
循环 - AC

正如您所看到的,while 循环的第二次迭代的最后 4 行是错误的,因为 vector 历史大小应该为 1(仅限 SA)并且“C”之前不应该被访问过,但不知何故 vector 历史的 ArrayList从第一个 while 循环的递归开始就已经泄漏了。这种情况是否会发生以及有哪些替代方案?

public static void main(String[] args) {

    ArrayList<vector> vectorList = new ArrayList();
    vectorList.add(new vector("A", "B"));
    vectorList.add(new vector("B", "C"));
    vectorList.add(new vector("C", "D"));
    vectorList.add(new vector("D", "A"));
    vectorList.add(new vector("A", "C"));

    //to record vector history and initialize the start vector
    ArrayList<vector> vectorHistory = new ArrayList();

    //record the path 
    String path = "";

    //method call
    pathFinder(new vector("S", "A"), vectorHistory, vectorList, path);

//Recursive method. moves one node forward until there is no more nodes OR the next node is the same as a previously taken node

public static void pathFinder(vector prevVector, ArrayList<vector>  vectorHistory, ArrayList<vector> vectorList, String path) {


    //add the current node to the path
    path = path + prevVector.child;
    System.out.println("Previous vector: "+ prevVector.parent+prevVector.child);

    // search if there is a next node.  looped to search all possible paths
    while (vectorList.contains(prevVector)) {
        System.out.println("vector history size: "+ vectorHistory.size());

        //retrieve the next vector
        vector nextVector = vectorList.get(vectorList.indexOf(prevVector));
        System.out.println("Next vector: " + nextVector.parent + nextVector.child);

        //remove current node so while loop can move to another possible path

        //check if the next node has already been visited before
        if (vectorHistory.contains(nextVector)) {
            System.out.println("Looped - " + path);

        } else {
            pathFinder(nextVector, vectorHistory, vectorList, path);



/*object vector */  
public static class vector {
    String parent, child;

    public vector(String parent, String child) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.child = child;


    public boolean equals(Object o) {

        vector x = (vector) o;
        if (x.parent.equalsIgnoreCase(child)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;



Java 是“按值传递”的,因此它传递实际对象的引用的副本。但是使用集合时理解起来有点奇怪,因为发送的引用的副本指向与原始引用相同的内存!



method b(List aList){
  aList.add(new Object());

method c(List aList){
  aList=new ArrayList ();
  aList.add(new Object());

List a=new ArrayList();
b(a); -> it will add an object to a;
c(a); -> it will not add an object to a or modify it in any way

所以就你的情况来说,当你打电话时 pathFinder(nextVector, vectorHistory, vectorList, path); 您不会获得您期望的递归“堆栈”行为,因为路径查找器的后继调用会修改前一个列表。


pathFinder(nextVector, new ArrayList<>(vectorHistory), new ArrayList<>(vectorList), path);


你的程序看起来很奇怪;)你用 vector 的相等所做的魔法并不大,因为你实际上无法比较两个相等的对象。例如,您的代码 AB 与 AB 不同(事实并非如此)。因此,对于你去过的地方,你不需要 vector ,而是点。所以这里有一个稍微修改过的程序只是为了说明我的意思。它还远未达到完美:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MainClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<MyVector> vectorList = new ArrayList<MyVector>();
        vectorList.add(new MyVector("A", "B"));
        vectorList.add(new MyVector("B", "C"));
        vectorList.add(new MyVector("C", "D"));
        vectorList.add(new MyVector("D", "A"));
        vectorList.add(new MyVector("A", "C"));

        List<String> pointsHistory=new ArrayList<String>();
        //to record points that have been visited
        //record the path 
        String path = "";
        //method call
        pathFinder(new MyVector(null, "A"), pointsHistory, vectorList, path);

    //Recursive method. moves one node forward until there is no more nodes OR the next node is the same as a previously taken node

    public static void pathFinder(MyVector prevVector, List<String>  pointsHistory, List<MyVector> vectorList, String path) {
        //add the current node to the path
        path = path + prevVector.child;
        // search if there is a next node.  looped to search all possible paths -> no need to do magic with equals
        for(MyVector vector:vectorList)
            if(vector.parent.equals(prevVector.child)) {
                  System.out.println("Next vector: " + vector.parent + vector.child);
                  if (pointsHistory.contains(vector.child)) {
                    System.out.println("Result " + path);  //You get the end result here -> if we have reached a loop
                } else {
                     pathFinder(vector, new ArrayList<>(pointsHistory), vectorList, path);

    /*object vector */  
    public static class MyVector {
        String parent, child;

        public MyVector(String parent, String child) {
            this.parent = parent;
            this.child = child;

这样你就会得到你想要的结果。看看我如何复制访问过的点:pathFinder(vector, new ArrayList<>(pointsHistory), vectorList, path);为了这项工作。并请用大写字母命名您的类(class)。

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