scala 文本中单词之间的绝对最小距离

标签 scala functional-programming match distance min


假设我有一个字符串,例如:“a b cat dogs x y z n m pfox xdog b b cat



  • 开头一个:

猫 - 4 狗 - 8 狐狸 - 24

距离 = 24 - 4 = 20

  • 字符串末尾有一个:

狐狸 - 24 狗 - 30 猫 - 38

距离 = 38 - 24 = 14

最小距离 = 14


 object MinKWindowSum {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {   

    val document =
      """This Hello World is a huge text with thousands
Java of Hello words and Scala other lines and World and many other Hello docs
Words of World in many langs Hello and features
Java Scala AXVX TXZX ASDQWE OWEQ World asb eere qwerer
asdasd Scala Java Hello docs World KLKM NWQEW ZXCASD OPOOIK Scala ASDSA
    println(getMinWindowSize(document, "Hello World Scala"))

  def getMinWindowSize(str:String, s:String): Int = {

    /* creates a list of tuples List[(String, Int)] which contains each keyword and its
    respective index found in the text sorted in order by index.
    val keywords = s.split(" ").toSet
    val idxs = => (k -> ("(?i)\\Q" + k + "\\E").r.findAllMatchIn(str).map(_.start)))
      .map{ case (keyword,itr) =>, _))}

    // Calculates the min window on the next step.
    var min = Int.MaxValue
    var minI, minJ = -1

    // current window indexes and words
    var currIdxs = ListBuffer[Int]()
    var currWords = ListBuffer[String]()

    for(idx <- idxs ) {

      // check if word exists in window already
      val idxOfWord = currWords.indexOf(idx._1)

      if (!currWords.isEmpty && idxOfWord != -1) {
        currWords = currWords.drop(idxOfWord + 1)
        currIdxs = currIdxs.drop(idxOfWord + 1)
      currWords += idx._1
      currIdxs += idx._2

      // if all keys are present check if it is new min window
      if (keywords.size == currWords.length) {
        val currMin = Math.abs(currIdxs.last - currIdxs.head)
        if (min > currMin) {
          min = currMin
          minI = currIdxs.head
          minJ = currIdxs.last

    println("min = " + min + " ,i = " + minI + " j = " + minJ)


在上面的示例中,我们尝试找到“Hello World Scala”的所有匹配项之间的最小距离

在索引之间找到索引之间的最短窗口: i = 235,j = 257 --> 分钟 = 22




val document =
  """This Hello World is a huge text with thousands Java of Hello words and Scala other lines and World and many other Hello docs
     Words of World in many langs Hello and features Java Scala AXVX TXZX ASDQWE OWEQ World
val WORDS = Set("Hello", "World", "Scala")

var minDistance = document.trim
  .split(" ")
  .foldLeft(List[(String, Int)](), None: Option[Int], 0) {
    case ((words, min, idx), word) if WORDS.contains(word) =>
      val newWords = (word, idx) :: words.filter(_._1 != word)
      if ( == WORDS) { // toSet on only 3 elmts
        var idxes =
        var dist = idxes.max - idxes.min
        var newMin = min match {
          case None                    => dist
          case Some(min) if min < dist => min
          case _                       => dist
        (newWords, Some(newMin), idx + word.length + 1)
      else {
        (newWords, min, idx + word.length + 1)
    case ((words, min, idx), word) =>
      (words, min, idx + word.length + 1)




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