c++ - MsgPack 中不匹配的 free()/delete

标签 c++ valgrind free delete-operator msgpack

我尝试在我的程序中使用 Msgpack。 有人可以帮我解决 msgpack wiki 中的下一个示例(流媒体功能)吗:http://wiki.msgpack.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1081387并提供更正确的使用这个库的流媒体功能的例子。

#include <msgpack.hpp> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 

int main(void) { 
    // serializes multiple objects using msgpack::packer. 
    msgpack::sbuffer buffer; 

    msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> pk(&buffer); 
    pk.pack(std::string("Log message ... 1")); 
    pk.pack(std::string("Log message ... 2")); 
    pk.pack(std::string("Log message ... 3")); 

    // deserializes these objects using msgpack::unpacker. 
    msgpack::unpacker pac; 

    // feeds the buffer. 
    memcpy(pac.buffer(), buffer.data(), buffer.size()); 

    // now starts streaming deserialization. 
    msgpack::unpacked result; 
    while(pac.next(&result)) { 
        std::cout << result.get() << std::endl; 

    // results: 
    // $ g++ stream.cc -lmsgpack -o stream 
    // $ ./stream 
    // "Log message ... 1" 
    // "Log message ... 2" 
    // "Log message ... 3" 

Valgrind 说它有下一个错误:

==11325== 1 errors in context 1 of 2:
==11325== Mismatched free() / delete / delete []
==11325==    at 0x48CC919: operator delete(void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:387)
==11325==    by 0x804A623: std::auto_ptr<msgpack::zone>::reset(msgpack::zone*) (auto_ptr.h:242)
==11325==    by 0x804A2E1: msgpack::unpacker::next(msgpack::unpacked*) (unpack.hpp:229)
==11325==    by 0x8049E93: main (pack2.cpp:24)
==11325==  Address 0x6e447c0 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 8,220 alloc'd
==11325==    at 0x48CD876: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:236)
==11325==    by 0x48DABC9: msgpack_zone_new (zone.c:198)
==11325==    by 0x48D811F: msgpack_unpacker_release_zone (unpack.c:333)
==11325==    by 0x804A3DA: msgpack::unpacker::release_zone() (unpack.hpp:261)
==11325==    by 0x804A31C: msgpack::unpacker::next(msgpack::unpacked*) (unpack.hpp:234)
==11325==    by 0x8049E93: main (pack2.cpp:24)
==11325== 2 errors in context 2 of 2:
==11325== Mismatched free() / delete / delete []
==11325==    at 0x48CC919: operator delete(void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:387)
==11325==    by 0x804A623: std::auto_ptr<msgpack::zone>::reset(msgpack::zone*) (auto_ptr.h:242)
==11325==    by 0x804A335: msgpack::unpacker::next(msgpack::unpacked*) (unpack.hpp:234)
==11325==    by 0x8049E93: main (pack2.cpp:24)
==11325==  Address 0x6e3c5c0 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 8,220 alloc'd
==11325==    at 0x48CD876: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:236)
==11325==    by 0x48DABC9: msgpack_zone_new (zone.c:198)
==11325==    by 0x48D8211: msgpack_unpacker_init (unpack.c:194)
==11325==    by 0x804A08D: msgpack::unpacker::unpacker(unsigned int) (unpack.hpp:187)
==11325==    by 0x8049DC5: main (pack2.cpp:15)


在这个例子中看起来一切正常。根据 valgrind 调用跟踪,该错误存在于 Msgpack 库中。

关于c++ - MsgPack 中不匹配的 free()/delete,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6791522/


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