zend-framework - 我不懂模块

标签 zend-framework zend-framework3

我正在尝试学习 Zend Framework 3,并且我已经完成了专辑教程和另一个博客教程。我已经编写直接 php 应用程序大约 3 年了,并使用 Slim 3 编写了 2 个 Web 应用程序。我正在尝试围绕模块进行思考。我不明白什么是模块。我理解模块的方式是,模块是主应用程序内部的一个小应用程序。我试图在同一模块中创建 2 个 Controller ,并从这些 Controller 渲染不同的 View 。我搜索了一整天,找不到创建两个 Controller 并将它们路由到不同 View 的方法。但是,我发现了许多示例,一个应用程序有 5 个不同的模块,所有模块都只有一个 Controller ,并且类方法可能指向不同的 View 。我的理解是应该为每个页面创建一个模块吗?例如,登录模块和关于模块和联系模块?



namespace Blog;

use Zend\Router\Http\Literal;
use Zend\Router\Http\Segment;
use Zend\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory;

return [
    // this line opens the configuration fro the Route Manager
    'router' => [
        // open configuration for all possible routes
        'routes' => [
            // Define a new route called 'blog'
            'blog' => [
                // define 'literal' route type:
                'type' => Literal::class,
                // configure the route itself
                'options' => [
                    // listen to '/blog' as uri:
                    'route' => '/blog',
                    // define default controller and action to be called when
                    // this route is matched
                    'defaults' => [
                        'controller' => Controller\ListController::class,
                        'action' => 'index',
                    'login' => [
                        'type' => Literal::class,
                        'options' => [
                            'route' => '/blog/login',
                            'defaults' => [
                                'controller' => Controller\LoginController::class,
                                'action' => 'login',
    'service_manager' => [
        'aliases' => [
            Model\PostRepositoryInterface::class => Model\PostRepository::class,
        'factories' => [
            Model\PostRepository::class => InvokableFactory::class,
    'controllers' => [
        'factories' => [
            Controller\ListController::class => Factory\ListControllerFactory::class,
            Controller\LoginController::class => InvokableFactory::class,
    'view_manager' => [
        'template_map' => [
            'login/login' => __DIR__ . '/../view/blog/login/login.phtml'
        'template_path_stack' => [
            __DIR__ . '/../view'


 |-- module
        |   |-- Application
        |   |   |-- config
        |   |   |   |-- module.config.php
        |   |   |-- src
        |   |   |   |-- Module.php
        |   |   |   |-- Controller
        |   |   |       |-- IndexController.php
        |   |   |-- test
        |   |   |   |-- Controller
        |   |   |       |-- IndexControllerTest.php
        |   |   |-- view
        |   |       |-- application
        |   |       |   |-- index
        |   |       |       |-- index.phtml
        |   |       |-- error
        |   |       |   |-- 404.phtml
        |   |       |   |-- index.phtml
        |   |       |-- layout
        |   |           |-- layout.phtml
        |   |-- Blog
        |       |-- config
        |       |   |-- module.config.php
        |       |-- src
        |       |   |-- Module.php
        |       |   |-- Controller
        |       |   |   |-- ListController.php
        |       |   |   |-- LoginController.php
        |       |   |-- Factory
        |       |   |   |-- ListControllerFactory.php
        |       |   |-- Model
        |       |       |-- Post.php
        |       |       |-- PostCommandInterface.php
        |       |       |-- PostRepository.php
        |       |       |-- PostRepositoryInterface.php
        |       |-- view
        |           |-- blog
        |               |-- list
        |               |   |-- index.phtml
        |               |-- login
        |                   |-- login.phtml

我正在博客模块中工作。当我调用 LoginController.php 时,我希望它显示 login.phtml。如果我注释掉博客路由,它将起作用,但是当我取消注释博客路由时,我会收到“路由无法匹配请求的 URL”。错误。




return [
    // this line opens the configuration for the Route Manager
    'router' => [
        // open configuration for all possible routes
        'routes' => [
            // Define a new route called 'blog'
            'blog' => [
                // define 'literal' route type:
                'type' => Literal::class,
                // configure the route itself
                'options' => [
                    // listen to '/blog' as uri:
                    'route' => '/blog',
                    // define default controller and action to be called when
                    // this route is matched
                    'defaults' => [
                        'controller' => Controller\ListController::class,
                        'action' => 'index',
                'may_terminate' => true,
                'child_routes' => [                
                    'login' => [
                        'type' => Literal::class,
                        'options' => [
                            'route' => '/login',
                            'defaults' => [
                                'controller' => Controller\LoginController::class,
                                'action' => 'login',


  • 'login' 路由应该是子路由,而不是 blog 路由选项的一部分。
  • 我添加了 'may_terminate' => true,这使得 /blog 路由正常工作(默认情况下无法访问具有子路由的路由)
  • 我将登录路由中的 'route' => '/blog/login', 更改为 'route' => '/login',。由于它是博客的子级,因此您无需重复博客路由的路径。


return [
    // this line opens the configuration for the Route Manager
    'router' => [
        // open configuration for all possible routes
        'routes' => [
            // Define a new route called 'blog'
            'blog' => [
                // define 'literal' route type:
                'type' => Literal::class,
                // configure the route itself
                'options' => [
                    // listen to '/blog' as uri:
                    'route' => '/blog',
                    // define default controller and action to be called when
                    // this route is matched
                    'defaults' => [
                        'controller' => Controller\ListController::class,
                        'action' => 'index',
            'login' => [
                'type' => Literal::class,
                'options' => [
                    'route' => '/login',
                    'defaults' => [
                        'controller' => Controller\LoginController::class,
                        'action' => 'login',

这会添加 /blog/login 的路由。如果您希望登录页面位于 /blog/login 您必须适本地编辑登录路由中的路径。

关于zend-framework - 我不懂模块,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50634380/


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