selenium - 执行 Selenium 显式等待时 Katalon 中的 GroovyCastException

标签 selenium selenium-webdriver groovy katalon-studio webdriverwait

我正在尝试在 Katalon(使用 Groovy)中执行显式等待。我有以下代码:

// wait on page change to "Dashboard"
    WebDriverWait dashboardChangeWait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 3)
    /* This is causing the following Exception : 
     *   - GroovyCastException : Attempt to cast 'true' with class 'java.lang.Boolean' to class
     *      'org.openqa.selenium.WebElement'
     * */
    WebElement element = dashboardChangeWait.until(
        ExpectedConditions.textToBe(By.cssSelector(''), "DASHBOARD"))

这给了我一个 GroovyCastException 。我知道WebDriverWait.until需要 Function (是的,类似 JavaScript 的编码!)参数,以及 ExpectedConditions.textToBe returns a ExpectedCondition<Boolean> until的签名是V<Object, Object<V>> arg0) 。有没有办法在 Katalon 中执行这种类型的等待,从而避免此问题?


你们已经很接近了。 ExpectedConditions 方法 textToBe()定义如下:

public static ExpectedCondition<java.lang.Boolean> textToBe(By locator, java.lang.String value)

An expectation for checking WebElement with given locator has specific text

locator - used to find the element
value - used as expected text

Boolean true when element has text value equal to @value

因此,您只需将返回类型更改为 boolean 而不是 WebElement,如下所示:

Boolean status = dashboardChangeWait.until(ExpectedConditions.textToBe(By.cssSelector(''), "DASHBOARD"))

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