azure-functions - AF 绑定(bind)到 CosmosDb

标签 azure-functions azure-cosmosdb azure-cosmosdb-mongoapi

我正在尝试将数据从 Azure 函数输出到 CosmosDb (MongoDb),我有以下绑定(bind)设置:

[DocumentDB("mydatabase", "mycollection",
    ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection", 
    CreateIfNotExists= true, 
    PartitionKey = "SomeKey")]
IAsyncCollector<MyEntity> mongoBinding,


var entity = new MyEntity() {SomeKey="X1CLX1010000002", Data = "somedata"};
await mongoBinding.AddAsync(entity);

public class MyEntity {
    public string SomeKey {get; set;}
    public string Data {get; set;}


{"Errors":["The partition key component definition path 'SomeKey' could not be accepted, failed near position '0'. Partition key paths must contain only valid characters and not contain a trailing slash or wildcard character."]}



解决方案是在 key 开头添加斜杠,例如 PartitionKey = "/SomeKey"。那么分区键就像一个路径,因此它需要以“/”开头。你没有使用斜杠,所以出现上面的错误。

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