r - Tobit 模型,带有白标准误差的回归

标签 r statistics regression

天啊,有人能告诉我如何在 Tobit 模型中使用白色标准误差吗? 以下代码适用于线性模型,但不适用于 tobit 模型。


# OLS model 
reg_ols <- lm(vrs_eff ~ cows, data=milk_data)
# using White standard errors
# vcovHC: Heteroskedasticity-consistent estimation 
# of the covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates in regression models.
cov_mat_OLS <- vcovHC(reg_ols, type="HC")
# coeftest is a generic function for performing z and 
# (quasi-)t Wald tests of estimated coefficients.
# Calculate new t and p values with white standard errors
coeftest(reg_ols, cov_mat_OLS)

# Tobit model
reg_tobit <- censReg(vrs_eff ~ cows, left=0, right=1, data=milk_data)
cov_mat_T <- vcovHC(reg_tobit, type="HC")
coeftest(reg_tobit, cov_mat_T)



我们可以使用 AER::tobit,该帮助页面告诉我们“tobit 函数是 survreg 的一个便捷接口(interface)”,我们可以用它来估计 Tobit 模型通过定义“Surv”对象(这是困难的方法)。

无论如何,survreg() 带来了一个 robust=TRUE 选项“如果没有的话,基于个体的独立性,使用稳健的‘三明治’标准错误公式中的 cluster() 项,基于簇的独立性(如果存在)。” 并且 robust=TRUE 也适用于 AER::tobit(),因为传递给 survreg()


首先,我们说服自己,两种 tobit 方法都会给出相同的结果。

library(censReg); library(AER)

fit.censReg <- censReg(frml, data=Affairs, right=4)
fit.AER <- tobit(frml, data=Affairs, right=4, x=TRUE)
stopifnot(all.equal(fit.censReg$estimate[1:6], fit.AER$coefficients))


summary(tobit(frml, data=Affairs, right=4))$coefficients
# Test of coefficients:
#                Estimate Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)    
# (Intercept)    7.900980   2.803855  2.8179 0.0048339 ** 
# age           -0.177598   0.079906 -2.2226 0.0262441 *  
# yearsmarried   0.532302   0.141168  3.7707 0.0001628 ***
# religiousness -1.616336   0.424397 -3.8085 0.0001398 ***
# occupation     0.324186   0.253878  1.2769 0.2016238    
# rating        -2.207007   0.449832 -4.9063 9.281e-07 ***
# Log(scale)     2.072319   0.110396 18.7717 < 2.2e-16 ***
# ---
# Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


summary(tobit(frml, data=Affairs, right=4, robust=TRUE))$coefficients
# Test of coefficients:
#               Estimate Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)    
# (Intercept)    7.90098    3.00928  2.6255 0.0086511 ** 
# age           -0.17760    0.08684 -2.0451 0.0408424 *  
# yearsmarried   0.53230    0.14457  3.6820 0.0002314 ***
# religiousness -1.61634    0.43674 -3.7009 0.0002148 ***
# occupation     0.32419    0.25338  1.2795 0.2007325    
# rating        -2.20701    0.44971 -4.9076 9.218e-07 ***
# Log(scale)     2.07232    0.11196 18.5088 < 2.2e-16 ***
# ---
# Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

请注意,sandwich::vcovCL() 函数实际上是为集群设计的。但我们可以对其进行一些“破解”,并将各个观察结果作为集群(即行名称)给出。这适用于 censReg()tobit():

coeftest(fit.AER, vcov.=vcovCL(fit.AER, cluster=rownames(Affairs), type="HC0"))
# z test of coefficients:
#                Estimate Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)    
# (Intercept)    7.900980   3.011782  2.6234 0.0087068 ** 
# age           -0.177598   0.086912 -2.0434 0.0410105 *  
# yearsmarried   0.532302   0.144688  3.6790 0.0002342 ***
# religiousness -1.616336   0.437101 -3.6979 0.0002174 ***
# occupation     0.324186   0.253587  1.2784 0.2011075    
# rating        -2.207007   0.450084 -4.9035 9.412e-07 ***
# Log(scale)     2.072319   0.112057 18.4934 < 2.2e-16 ***
# ---
# Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

# same
coeftest(fit.censReg, vcov.=vcovCL(fit.censReg, cluster=rownames(Affairs), type="HC0"))

正如我们所见,vcovCL 标准错误与 AER::tobit(.,robust=TRUE) 基本相同。

关于r - Tobit 模型,带有白标准误差的回归,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52078167/


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