git - 本地文件系统上的 git 存储库 Remote 是否应该以文件 ://? 为前缀

标签 git git-remote

如果我想为同一文件系统上的 git 存储库定义一个远程仓库,有人建议我应该以 file:// 为前缀。也就是说,

git remote add theremote file:///path/to/repo


git remote add theremote /path/to/repo

我快速检查了一下,git remote addgit clonegit pullgit push所有人似乎都对更简单的选择感到满意。

是否存在缺少 file:// 前缀会导致问题的情况?


Git 可以很好地处理本地路径。无需使用 file://,尽管存在细微差别(引自 the documentation ):

Git operates slightly differently if you explicitly specify file:// at the beginning of the URL. If you just specify the path, Git tries to use hardlinks or directly copy the files it needs. If you specify file://, Git fires up the processes that it normally uses to transfer data over a network, which is generally much less efficient. The main reason to specify the file:// prefix is if you want a clean copy of the repository with extraneous references or objects left out — generally after an import from another VCS or something similar (see Git Internals for maintenance tasks).

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