r - 添加进度条以指示 Shiny 中的 ggplotting 进度

标签 r ggplot2 shiny

我的 Shiny 应用程序的主要目标是通过(交互式)ggplots 显示大量数据。如果数据足够,显示绘图所需的时间可能长达约 10 秒,我想显示一个进度条以提供反馈。

我尝试了 withProgress 和 winProgressBar,但都没有反射(reflect) ggplots 出现所需的时间:两个进度条在实际绘图显示之前就消失了。

所以我的问题是:如何实现(任何类型的)进度条来反射(reflect) ggplots 出现在屏幕上所需的时间?


ui = fluidPage(

server = function(input, output) {

  #list of things I want to plot, which will be split over column wt
  plotlist = sort(unique(mtcars$wt))[1:4]

    pb = winProgressBar(                                 #test 1: winProgressBar
      title = 'observe',                                 #test 1: winProgressBar
      label = 'plotting'                                 #test 1: winProgressBar
    )                                                    #test 1: winProgressBar
    message({                                            #test 1: winProgressBar

      withProgress(message = 'ggplotting', value = 0, {  #test 2: withProgress

        for (i in plotlist) local({

          nm <- i
          temp.data <- filter(mtcars, wt == plotlist[nm])

          plotAname  <- paste0("plotA", nm)
          output[[plotAname]] <- renderPlot(ggplot(temp.data, aes(x = mpg, y= cyl)) + geom_point())

          plotBname  <- paste0("plotB", nm)
          output[[plotBname]] <- renderPlot(ggplot(temp.data, aes(x = mpg, y= drat)) + geom_point())

          plotCname  <- paste0("plotC", nm)
          output[[plotCname]] <- renderPlot(ggplot(temp.data, aes(x = mpg, y= disp)) + geom_point())

          plotDname  <- paste0("plotD", nm)
          output[[plotDname]] <- renderPlot(ggplot(temp.data, aes(x = mpg, y= hp)) + geom_point())

          setWinProgressBar(pb, value = nm/10)         #test 1: winProgressBar
          incProgress(1/(length(plotlist)))            #test 2: withProgress
        }) #end of for()
      }) #end of withProgress                          #test 2: withProgress

    close(pb)                                          #test 1: winProgressBar
    }) #end of message                                 #test 1: winProgressBar
  }) #end of observe

  output$plots <- renderUI({

    withProgress(message = 'rendering', value = 0, {   #test 3: withProgress

      plot_output_list <- lapply(plotlist, function(i) { 

        incProgress(1/(length(plotlist)))              #test 3: withProgress

        #encompass everything in a div because lapply can only returns a single result per loop cycle. 
        div(style = "padding: 0px; margin: 0px;",
            div(style = "position:relative; margin-bottom: -5px; padding: 0px;",
                plotOutput(paste0("plotA", i))
            div(style = "position:relative; margin-bottom: -5px; padding: 0px;",
                plotOutput(paste0("plotB", i))
            div(style = "position:relative; margin-bottom: -5px; padding: 0px;",
                plotOutput(paste0("plotC", i))
            plotOutput(paste0("plotD", i))
      }) #end of lapply
    }) #end of withProgress                          #test 3: withProgress
  }) #end of output$plots


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

此示例大约需要 4 秒才能显示其绘图。大约 1 秒后,所有三个测试进度条均已完成。



它实际上并不是您想要生成的进度条。但是您可以在横幅中显示加载消息,这就是为什么我认为它在这里可能有用。只需将以下代码片段复制到应用程序的 ui 部分并根据需要调整颜色即可。

info_loading <- "Shiny is busy. Please wait."
your_color01 <- # define a color for the text
your_color02 <- # define a color for the background of the banner

                                             #loadmessage {
                                             position: fixed;
                                             top: 0px;
                                             left: 0px;
                                             width: 100%;
                                             padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;
                                             text-align: center;
                                             font-weight: bold;
                                             font-size: 100%;
                                             color: ", your_color01,";
                                             background-color: ", your_color02,";
                                             z-index: 105;

根据需要随时调整参数(例如顶部位置)。 您还可以看到:shiny loading bar for htmlwidgets

关于r - 添加进度条以指示 Shiny 中的 ggplotting 进度,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53188175/


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