ruby-on-rails - 如何在haml中渲染tinymce编辑器内容?

标签 ruby-on-rails ruby tinymce haml

我开始学习 Ruby on Rails 并创建博客。我已经为博客内容集成了tinyMCE编辑器。但我不知道如何为前端渲染tinyMCE内容。现在它显示的是 html 内容。 enter image description here


   %h1.text-center Blogs List
   = link_to 'New Blog', '/admin/blogs/new', :class => 'btn btn-info'            
   = link_to 'logout', '/admin/logout' , :class => 'btn btn-info'
         %th.text-center Title
         %th.text-center Category
         %th.text-center Content
         %th.text-center Feature Image
         %th.text-center{:colspan => 3} Operations
      <a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="1b365b7977747c68357e7a7873" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a> do |blog|
               %h4= blog.title
               %td= render blog.categories
            %td.mb-4= blog.text  #editor content
            %td= link_to 'Download', blog.featuredImage_url ,:class=> 'thumbnail'
            %td= link_to 'Show', admin_blog_path(blog) , :class=>'btn btn-info'
            %td= link_to 'Edit', edit_admin_blog_path(blog), :class=> 'btn btn-info'
            %td= link_to 'Destroy', admin_blog_path(blog), :class=> 'btn btn-info', |
               method: :delete,
               data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }



您可以使用 .sanitize 方法,例如:

%td.mb-4= sanitize(blog.text)

Sanitizes HTML input, stripping all tags and attributes that aren’t whitelisted.


# In config/application.rb
config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_tags = ['strong', 'em', 'a']
config.action_view.sanitized_allowed_attributes = ['href', 'title']

.sanitize method doc

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