angular - 有什么方法可以将回调函数附加到 Angular 路由模块中的路由吗?

标签 angular angular-router

我正在 Angular 上构建一个大型应用程序,该应用程序使用带有子路由的功能模块。每个子部分都通过特定于部分的布局呈现,该布局为 MVP 设置子页面的状态。例如:

/app/projects/yJEBuuOmmRv7WuVomGkb 会将项目 yJEBuuOmmRv7WuVomGkb 加载到任何子路由上的状态容器中。




const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: PageLayoutComponent,
    children: [
        path: '',
        component: PagesComponent
        path: 'admin/settings',
        component: PageSettingsComponent
        path: 'admin/publishing',
        component: PagePublishingComponent
        path: ':pageId',
        component: PageDetailLayoutComponent,
        // pseudo code!!!
        onRoute: (params => {
          StateContainer.set('page', params.pageId);
        children: [
            path: '',
            component: PageComponent

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class PagesRoutingModule { }



  1. route 的数据属性:


   path: 'heroes',
   component: HeroListComponent,
   data: { title: 'Heroes List' 

来自 Angular 文档:

The data property in the third route is a place to store arbitrary data associated with this specific route. The data property is accessible within each activated route. Use it to store items such as page titles, breadcrumb text, and other read-only, static data. You'll use the resolve guard to retrieve dynamic data later in the guide.

  • 解析器
  • 示例:

        path: 'heroes',
        component: HeroListComponent,
        resolve: { hero: HeroResolver }

    来自 Angular 文档:

    In summary, you want to delay rendering the routed component until all necessary data have been fetched.

    了解更多信息: 因此,这意味着如果您调用向组件提供数据的 api 端点,则应该使用解析器。

    也许您可以在组件的 ngOnInit 方法中调用 StateContainer.set

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