python-3.x - Python导入语句。模块未找到错误: when running tests and referencing a module in a parent folder

标签 python-3.x aws-lambda aws-sam-cli aws-sam aws-toolkit


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cd cluster_health
python -m pytest tests/ -v -s


    ImportError while importing test module '<full path>...\cluster_health\tests\unit\'.
Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names.
tests\unit\ in <module>
    from health_check import app
health_check\ in <module>
    import my_elastic_search
E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my_elastic_search'


import json
import sys
import pytest
import health_check
from health_check import app
from health_check import my_elastic_search
# from unittest.mock import patch
import mock
from mock import Mock

def test_lambda_handler(apigw_event, monkeypatch):
    CONN = Mock(return_value="banana")
    monkeypatch.setattr('health_check.my_elastic_search.connect', CONN)
    ret = app.lambda_handler(apigw_event, "")    
    # etc...


import json
import sys
import my_elastic_search

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print(my_elastic_search.connect("myhost", "myuser", "mypass"))
    # etc


def connect(the_host, the_user, the_pass):
    return "You are connected!"


health_check 是文件夹的名称。在 Python 中导入时,您无需命名文件夹。您只需使用import my_elastic_search即可。但是,这可能会导致找不到模块。您可以使用名为“sys”的模块来定义程序应在何处搜索要导入的模块,或者您可以将代码放在与模块相同的目录中。 从文件或文件中导入特定函数或类时,您可以使用 from

关于python-3.x - Python导入语句。模块未找到错误: when running tests and referencing a module in a parent folder,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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