python - 获取发送请求的跟踪 ID

标签 python grpc zipkin opentracing jaeger

我正在使用 GRPC 的开放跟踪 Python 库,并尝试构建此处的示例脚本: .

通过拦截的 channel 发送请求后,如何找到该请求的trace-id 值?我想用它来查看 Jaeger UI 中的跟踪数据。


我错过了一个关键的文档。为了获取跟踪 ID,您必须在客户端创建一个跨度。该跨度将具有可用于检查 Jaeger UI 中的数据的跟踪 ID。必须通过 ActiveSpanSource 实例将跨度添加到 GRPC 消息中。

# opentracing-related imports
from grpc_opentracing import open_tracing_client_interceptor, ActiveSpanSource
from grpc_opentracing.grpcext import intercept_channel
from jaeger_client import Config

# dummy class to hold span data for passing into GRPC channel
class FixedActiveSpanSource(ActiveSpanSource):

    def __init__(self):
        self.active_span = None

    def get_active_span(self):
        return self.active_span

config = Config(
        'sampler': {
            'type': 'const',
            'param': 1,
        'logging': True,

tracer = config.initialize_tracer()

# ...
# In the method where GRPC requests are sent
# ...
active_span_source = FixedActiveSpanSource()
tracer_interceptor = open_tracing_client_interceptor(

with tracer.start_span('span-foo') as span:
    print(f"Created span: trace_id:{span.trace_id:x}, span_id:{span.span_id:x}, parent_id:{span.parent_id}, flags:{span.flags:x}")
    # provide the span to the GRPC interceptor here
    active_span_source.active_span = span
    with grpc.insecure_channel(...) as channel:
        channel = intercept_channel(channel, tracer_interceptor)

当然,您可以切换 with 语句的顺序,以便在 GRPC channel 之后创建跨度。这部分没有任何区别。

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