oracle - 当期望以下之一时遇到符号 "INNER";对于具有相交减序开始并集的组,其中连接

标签 oracle oracle11g oracleforms

我正在使用 Oracle 表单生成器,并在产品数据 block 上创建了when-new-record-instance 触发器,该触发器具有:

select sum(s.Count) into :count.vt from u1.shopping_cart_items s
inner join u1.orders o on o.order_id = s.order_id
where s.product_id = :product.product_id and o.validated=1;


encountered the symbol "INNER" when expecting one of the following ,;for group having intersect minus order start union where connect



您的 Forms 版本可能不支持加入。


select sum(s.Count) into :count.vt
from u1.shopping_cart_items s, u1.orders o
where o.order_id = s.order_id
and s.product_id = :product.product_id
and o.validated=1;

关于oracle - 当期望以下之一时遇到符号 "INNER";对于具有相交减序开始并集的组,其中连接,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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