thymeleaf - 如何解析:text with whitespace to selectbox in thymeleaf?

标签 thymeleaf


  <select th:field="*{branch}" name="branch" class="form-control" id="branch" required autofocus>
      <option th:value="'WEAiI'"th:text="Elektrotechniki Automatyki i Informatyki"></option>          
      <option th:value="'WBiA'"th:text="Budownictwa i Architektury"></option>


 Caused by: org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Could 
 not parse as expression: "Elektrotechniki Automatyki i Informatyki" 
 (template: "auth/register" - line 92, col 52)


我尝试像这样使用' ',但没有成功:

 <option th:value="'WBiA'"th:text="Budownictwa&nbsp;i&nbsp;Architektury">

有什么方法可以解析 thymeleaf 中 select 中带有空格的表达式吗?



<select th:field="*{branch}" name="branch" class="form-control" id="branch" required autofocus>
    <option th:value="'WEAiI'" th:text="'Elektrotechniki Automatyki i Informatyki'" />
    <option th:value="'WBiA'" th:text="'Budownictwa i Architektury'" />

但在这种情况下,您确实不需要使用 th: 属性。你也可以做这样的事情。

<select th:field="*{branch}" name="branch" class="form-control" id="branch" required autofocus>
    <option value="WEAiI">Elektrotechniki Automatyki i Informatyki</option>          
    <option value="WBiA">Budownictwa i Architektury</option>

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