mongodb - 从 mongodb 聚合获取深度嵌套数组并包含在结果中

标签 mongodb mongoose nosql aggregation-framework


book: {
    _id: 'aaa'
    name: 'Book 1',
    chapters: [
       0: {
           _id: 'chapter0',
           name: 'Chapter 1',
           pages: [
                0: {
                    _id: 'page0',
                    name: 'Page 1',
                    paragraphs: [
                        0: {
                            _id: 'paragraph0',
                            name: 'Paragraph 1',
                            bookmarks: [
                                 0: {sentence: 3, reader: 'Foo'},
                                 1: {sentence: 8, reader: 'Bar'},
                                 2: {sentence: 14, reader: 'John'}

book: {
    _id: 'bbb'
    name: 'Book 2',
    chapters: [
       0: {
           _id: 'chapter0',
           name: 'Chapter 1',
           pages: [
                0: {
                    _id: 'page0',
                    name: 'Page 1',
                    paragraphs: [
                        0: {
                            _id: 'paragraph0',
                            name: 'Paragraph 1',
                            bookmarks: []
                        1: {
                            _id: 'paragraph1',
                            name: 'Paragraph 2',
                            bookmarks: [
                                 0: {sentence: 2, reader: 'George'},
                                 1: {sentence: 1, reader: 'Paul'},
                                 2: {sentence: 76, reader: 'John'},
                                 3: {sentence: 54, reader: 'Ringo'}                                 

我希望能够在获取结果时提取数组 bookmarks 并将它们附加到 book 集合中。像这样的东西会很好:

    id: 'aaa'
    name: 'Book 1'
    bookmarks: [{...}, {...}, {...}] //since the first book has 3 bookmarks
    id: 'bbb'
    name: 'Book 2'
    bookmarks: [{...}, {...}, {...}, {...}] //since the second book has 4 bookmarks


    id: 'aaa'
    name: 'Book 1'
    bookmarks: [{...}, {...}, {...}] //since the first book has 3 bookmarks
    id: 'bbb'
    name: 'Book 2'
    bookmarks: [{...}, {...}, {...}, {...}] //since the second book has 4 bookmarks
    id: 'ccc'
    name: 'Book 3'
    bookmarks: [] //third book does not have bookmarks for example


return yield Books.aggregate()
        _id: '$_id',
        books: {
            $push: {
                _id: '$_id',
                name: '$name',
                bookmarks: '$chapters.pages.paragraphs.bookmarks'




    $unwind: "$book"
    $unwind: "$book.chapters"
    $unwind: "$book.chapters.pages"
    $unwind: "$book.chapters.pages.paragraphs"
    $unwind: {
      path: "$book.chapters.pages.paragraphs.bookmarks",
      preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
    $group: {
      _id: {
        _id: "$_id",
        book: "$"
      bookmarks: {
        $push: "$book.chapters.pages.paragraphs.bookmarks"

关于mongodb - 从 mongodb 聚合获取深度嵌套数组并包含在结果中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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