php - 检查订单中是否有具有特定属性值的产品 Woocommerce

标签 php wordpress woocommerce orders taxonomy-terms


我尝试使用"Checking that a specific attribute value is used in a cart Item (product variation) "应答代码,但在购买产品后这在感谢页面上不起作用


function add_custom_row_to_order_table( $total_rows, $myorder_obj  ) {
     if ( is_attr_in_cart('custom') ) {
            $cmeasuement = __( 'Yes', 'domain' );
            $cmeasuement = __( 'No', 'domain' );

    $total_rows['el_custom'] = array(
       'label' => __('Custom Required?', 'domain'),
       'value'   => $cmeasuement,

    return $total_rows;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_order_item_totals', 'add_custom_row_to_order_table', 10, 2 );

但我一直得到“否”(参见下面的屏幕截图),原因是 is_attr_in_cart('custom') 函数未检测该属性是否为按顺序。帮助正确的方向让它检测订单是否包含具有特定属性值的产品。

enter image description here



要使其与 WooCommerce 订单 配合使用,您需要另一个自定义条件函数(其中 $attribute_value 是 a 的 slug 值您所定位的产品属性):

function is_attr_in_order( $order, $attribute_value ){
    $found = false; // Initializing

    // Loop though order items
    foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ){
        // Only for product variations
        if( $item->get_variation_id() > 0 ){
            $product = $item->get_product(); // The WC_Product Object
            $product_id = $item->get_product_id(); // Product ID

            // Loop through product attributes set in the variation
            foreach( $product->get_attributes() as $taxonomy => $term_slug ){
                // comparing attribute parameter value with current attribute value
                if ( $attribute_value === $term_slug ) {
                    $found = true;
        if($found) break;

    return $found;

现在,此条件函数将在订单接收页面上的代码中运行(谢谢),如果找到产品属性,则在总计表中添加一行"is",否则添加“否” :

add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_order_item_totals', 'add_custom_row_to_order_table', 10, 3 );
function add_custom_row_to_order_table( $total_rows, $order, $tax_display  ) {
    $domain    = 'woocommerce'; // The text domain (for translations)
    $term_slug = 'custom'; // <==  The targeted product attribute slug value

    $total_rows['custom'] = array(
       'label' => __( "Custom Required?", $domain ),
       'value'   => is_attr_in_order( $order, $term_slug ) ? __( "Yes", $domain ) : __( "No", $domain ),

    return $total_rows;

代码位于事件子主题(或事件主题)的functions.php 文件中。经过测试并有效。

如果您只需要定位收到订单的页面,您将在 Hook 函数中使用以下条件:

if( is_wc_endpoint_url('order-received') ) {
    // The code comes here
return $total_rows; // The final filter return outside

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