html - 如何在 PowerShell 对话框中显示 HTML 页面?

标签 html winforms powershell

我想在 PowerShell 对话框中显示一个简单的 HTML 页面。

这是使用 dialog.ps1 构建对话框的方法:

[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")

$objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
[void] $objForm.ShowDialog()


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    Hello world!

当然,网页还有更多的元素,比如带有图片 map 的图片。

如果这也适用于 CMD,我会更喜欢这个选项。


以下代码片段 - 为了方便起见,使用 PSv5+[1] 语法 - 演示了 WebBrowser control 的使用在 WinForms 对话框中显示 HTML 文本:

# PSv5+:
# Import namespaces so that types can be referred by
# their mere name (e.g., `Form` rather than `System.Windows.Forms.Form`)
using namespace System.Windows.Forms
using namespace System.Drawing

# Load the WinForms assembly.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

# Create a form.
$form = [Form] @{
    ClientSize      = [Point]::new(400, 400)
    Text            = "WebBrowser-Control Demo"

# Create a web-browser control, make it as large as the inside of the form,
# and assign the HTML text.
$sb = [WebBrowser] @{
  ClientSize = $form.ClientSize
  DocumentText = @'
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="de">
      <meta charset="utf-8" />
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      Hello world!

# Add the web-browser control to the form...

# ... and display the form as a dialog (synchronously).

# Clean up.

[1] 该代码也适用于 PowerShell [Core] v7+,但不适用于 PowerShell Core v6.x,因为后者根本不支持WinForms(和 WPF)。

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