ruby - 添加黑盒库以进行 Pry 调试

标签 ruby pry byebug

使用 Pry 时是否可以“黑箱”库?


在 javascript 中,很容易将脚本添加到忽略列表中,并且在调试期间只是跳过它们。有没有办法用 Pry 实现类似的行为?



我想忽略我自己的代码之外的框架,例如 ActiveRecord 和大多数第三方 gem。我不介意使用黑名单或白名单。

Bundle 给了我这些 gem 版本:

Using byebug 9.0.6
Using pry 0.12.2
Using pry-byebug 3.4.3


pry-byebug 中不存在请求的功能。您可以在以下GitHub issue for pry-byebug上添加您的+1(或编写一些代码) :

My question/suggestion is that if there's a way to filter or skip over external library, or a setting to step into the next line that belongs to a script within the current application. For example, step into a method call will skip over any Rails's internal script or any currently-used gem and stop at the next line of the file that's inside the application.

以及 this GitHub issue :

I think it would be super useful to have a command that lets you run until you hit the next line of non-Rails/non-gem code.

由于最初的问题已经开放了近六年,我认为您最好的选择是帮助构建该功能,而不是在现有问题上添加 +1。

pry-byebug 的作者还提供 this workaround在另一个非常相似的问题的答案中:

you need to manually set breakpoints to jump from controller to view and the other way around

关于ruby - 添加黑盒库以进行 Pry 调试,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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