python - 点击: Customize "Missing argument" error handling by overriding UsageError's show function

标签 python command-line-interface command-line-arguments python-click

我目前正在尝试自定义错误处理,当使用 Click 给出命令而未提供所需参数时。 根据this SO question这可以通过覆盖 click.exceptions.UsageErrorshow 函数来完成。 但是,我尝试修改那里提供的解决方案,但无法使其工作。

就我而言,我希望能够获取应该执行的命令(但由于缺少参数而失败),并且根据输入的命令,我想进一步处理。 我的示例代码如下所示:
def myapp():

def mycommand(myarg: str) -> None:

因此,如果命令类似于 myapp mycommand 并且它缺少所需的参数,我想单独处理它。 我搜索了一段时间,但我无法弄清楚如何获取命令(我尝试传递上下文,但据我所知,UsageError在初始化时没有传递任何上下文)。


编辑:myGroup 的实现如下所示:

class myGroup(click.Group):
Customize help order and get_command

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self.help_priorities = {}
    super(myGroup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

def get_help(self, ctx):
    self.list_commands = self.list_commands_for_help
    return super(myGroup, self).get_help(ctx)

def list_commands_for_help(self, ctx):
    """reorder the list of commands when listing the help"""
    commands = super(myGroup, self).list_commands(ctx)
    return (c[1] for c in sorted((self.help_priorities.get(command, 1000), command) for command in commands))

def command(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Behaves the same as `click.Group.command()` except capture
    a priority for listing command names in help.
    help_priority = kwargs.pop('help_priority', 1000)
    help_priorities = self.help_priorities

    def decorator(f):
        cmd = super(myGroup, self).command(*args, **kwargs)(f)
        help_priorities[] = help_priority
        return cmd
    return decorator

def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name):
    rv = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name)
    if rv is not None:
        return rv
    sim_commands = most_sim_com(cmd_name, COMMANDS)

    matches = [cmd for cmd in self.list_commands(ctx) if cmd in sim_commands]
    if not matches:'Unknown command and no similar command was found!', fg='red'))
    elif len(matches) == 1:
        click.echo('Unknown command! Will use best match {matches[0]}.', fg='red'))
        return click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, matches[0])'Unknown command. Most similar commands were {", ".join(sorted(matches))}', fg='red'))


def myapp():

@click.argument('myarg',type=str, required=False)
def mycommand(myarg: str=None) -> None:
    validate_my_command(myarg) # this is where you do your custom logic and error message handling

这样做的优点是它是明确的,并且与 Click 建议的执行方式保持一致。但是,如果您想对每个命令都执行此操作,我们可以考虑更复杂的方法


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