python - 为什么 numpy.corrcoef() 返回 nan?

标签 python numpy correlation

尝试构建回归模型,但遇到无法解决的问题。 已经用谷歌搜索并阅读了有关它的所有内容,但没有任何效果。有这个数据框:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 334195 entries, 0 to 334194
Data columns (total 12 columns):
type         334195 non-null int64
zipcode      334195 non-null int64
sqft         334195 non-null float64
lotsize      334195 non-null float64
beds         334195 non-null float64
baths        334195 non-null float64
year         334195 non-null float64
s_num        334195 non-null int64
s_rate       334195 non-null float64
s_dist       334195 non-null float64
crimes       334195 non-null float64
target       334195 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(9), int64(3)


data = pd.read_csv('data_prep_sale')
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

x = df.drop(['target'],axis=1)
y = pd.Series(df['target'])

trimmed_feature_names = []
for i in range(x.shape[1]):
    correlation = np.corrcoef(x.iloc[:,i],y)[0,1]
    if abs(correlation) > 0.5:
        feature_name = x.columns[i]
        print(feature_name, correlation)

并不断获取所有 x 的矩阵:

array([[ 1., nan],
       [nan, nan]])


type	zipcode	sqft	lotsize	beds	baths	year	s_num	s_rate	s_dist	crimes	target
4	28387	2900.0	0.0	4.0	3.5	2019.0	8	5.20	5.54	6.0	144.137931
4	99216	1947.0	5828.0	3.0	3.0	2019.0	3	4.00	1.33	3.1	159.219312
3	90049	3000.0	8626.0	3.0	2.0	1967.0	3	6.67	1.96	4.4	965.000000
1	75205	6457.0	8220.0	5.0	8.0	2006.0	4	9.25	0.75	4.6	370.915286

Link to the complete data file



根据上传的文件,target列中有一些inf值...例如第43、283、372、...行的值ETC。因此,要解决此问题,您必须删除所有 inf 行。此外,还有一种更好的方法来查找目标与其他特征之间的相关性。两者均显示在以下代码中:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('data_prep_sale.csv')
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# remove any (inf, -inf, nan) values
df = df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna()

# find the correlation between target other features

从相关性的输出中可以看出,所有值都远低于 0.5

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