c# - 无法从 UnityEngine.Vector3 转换为 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3>

标签 c# unity-game-engine

我正在制作一款全面 war 演示游戏,您可以在屏幕上拖动来移动您的单位。这个错误一直困扰着我,我不知道其背后的原因是什么。我得到的错误如下。


这是代码。 (对不起,它的长度)

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;

public class FormationScript : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] units;
    public Transform formationBarrier;

    float unitWidth = 2.0f; // This also includes the gap between them, in this case the unit width is 1 and the gap is also 1

    private float numberOfUnits;
    private double unitsPerRow;
    private float numberOfRows;

    Vector3 startClick;
    Vector3 endClick;

    Vector3 selectedAreaSize;
    Vector3 selectedAreaPos;

    float startMinusEndX;
    float startMinusEndZ;

    private List<List<Vector3>> availablePositions;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    void Formation()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, 0);

            float distance;
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            if (plane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
                startClick = ray.GetPoint(distance);
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))
            Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, 0);

            float distance;
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            if (plane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
                endClick = ray.GetPoint(distance);
        // ====================================================================================================== 

        /*if (startClick.x - endClick.x < 0 || startClick.z - endClick.z < 0)
            startMinusEndX = startClick.x + endClick.x;
            startMinusEndZ = startClick.z + endClick.z;
            startMinusEndX = startClick.x - endClick.x;
            startMinusEndZ = startClick.z - endClick.z;
        if (startMinusEndX > 0 && startMinusEndZ > 0)
            formationBarrier.localScale = new Vector3(startMinusEndX, 1, startMinusEndZ);
            formationBarrier.localPosition = new Vector3((startClick.x + endClick.z) / 2, 0, (startClick.z + endClick.z) / 2);
        else if (startMinusEndX < 0 && startMinusEndZ > 0)
            formationBarrier.localScale = new Vector3(startMinusEndX, 1, startMinusEndZ);
            formationBarrier.localPosition = new Vector3((startClick.x + endClick.z) * 2, 0, (startClick.z + endClick.z) / 2);
        startMinusEndX = startClick.x - endClick.x;
        startMinusEndZ = startClick.z - endClick.z;

        formationBarrier.localScale = new Vector3(startMinusEndX, 1, startMinusEndZ);
        formationBarrier.localPosition = new Vector3((startClick.x + endClick.z) / 2, 0, (startClick.z + endClick.z) / 2);

        // ====================================================================================================== 

        selectedAreaSize = formationBarrier.localScale;
        selectedAreaPos = formationBarrier.localPosition;

        numberOfUnits = units.Length;
        unitsPerRow = (unitWidth / numberOfUnits) * selectedAreaSize.x;

        unitsPerRow = Math.Round(unitsPerRow, 0);

        if (unitsPerRow < 0)
            unitsPerRow = unitsPerRow * -2;

        if (numberOfRows % 1 == 0)
            numberOfRows = numberOfUnits % (float)unitsPerRow;
            for (int i = 0; i > numberOfRows; i++) // i is the number of rows
                for (int j = 0; j > numberOfUnits / unitsPerRow; j++) // j is the number of units / the units per row
                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3((selectedAreaPos.x / ((float)unitsPerRow + 1)) + ((j - 1) * (selectedAreaPos.x / ((float)unitsPerRow + 1))), 0.0f, i * 2);
                    availablePositions.Add(pos); // Heres where the error's coming from
        else if (numberOfUnits % (float)unitsPerRow != 0)
            numberOfRows = numberOfUnits % (float)unitsPerRow;


我对 Unity 还很陌生,所以放轻松:)


您的代码中存在语法错误。您正在将 Vector3 类型的 pos 插入到 availablePositions 中,这是 Vecotr3 列表的列表

更改 availablePositions 定义:

private List<Vector3> availablePositions;

或者在添加到 availablePositions 之前将 pos 转换为列表:

availablePositions.Add(new List<Vector3>{pos});

关于c# - 无法从 UnityEngine.Vector3 转换为 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3>,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62848034/


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