amazon-s3 - 在哪里以及如何使用 AWS Amplify 获取 `identityId`?

标签 amazon-s3 amazon-cognito aws-amplify


Storage.get('test.txt', { 
  level: 'protected', 
  identityId: 'xxxxxxx' // the identityId of that user
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(err => console.log(err));



我通过 Auth.currentUserCredentials() 发现了一种破解方法,方法是在用户成功登录时将 identityId 保存到自定义属性:

const CUSTOM_IDENTITY_FIELD = "custom:identityId";

if (attributes && !attributes[CUSTOM_IDENTITY_FIELD]) {
    await Auth.updateUserAttributes(currUser, {
      [CUSTOM_IDENTITY_FIELD]: (await Auth.currentUserCredentials())
    onInfo("Welcome to Tippify, " + currUser.username);

通过此功能,我还可以实现 Firebase 首次登录功能。 后来当我想从 Storage 查询用户图像时:

Storage.get(user.picture, {
    level: "protected",
    identityId: user[CUSTOM_IDENTITY_FIELD],

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