时间:2019-05-17 标签:c#asp.netidentityandcustomroles

标签 c# asp.net-core entity-framework-core asp.net-identity

我想我只是在这里做了一些愚蠢的事情。 我使用了具有 ASP.NET 身份的代码优先 Entity Framework ,并设置了一个如下所示的自定义用户:

public class User : IdentityUser, IKey<string>
    [MaxLength(100)] public string JobTitle { get; set; }
    [MaxLength(100)] public string Image { get; set; }
    [MaxLength(100)] public string FirstName { get; set; }
    [MaxLength(100)] public string LastName { get; set; }


protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // Customize the ASP.NET Identity model and override the defaults if needed.
    // For example, you can rename the ASP.NET Identity table names and more.
    // Add your customizations after calling base.OnModelCreating(builder);

    builder.Entity<User>(m => m.ToTable("Users"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityRole>(m => m.ToTable("Roles"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityRoleClaim<string>>(m => m.ToTable("RoleClaims"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityUserClaim<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserClaims"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityUserLogin<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserLogins"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityUserRole<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserRoles"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityUserToken<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserTokens"));

一切正常,表已成功创建。 现在我想对角色做同样的事情,只不过这次我不需要额外的列(这里重要的是界面),所以我创建了一个新的 Role类:

public class Role: IdentityRole, IKey<string>


protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
    // Customize the ASP.NET Identity model and override the defaults if needed.
    // For example, you can rename the ASP.NET Identity table names and more.
    // Add your customizations after calling base.OnModelCreating(builder);

    builder.Entity<User>(m => m.ToTable("Users"));
    builder.Entity<Role>(m => m.ToTable("Roles"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityRoleClaim<string>>(m => m.ToTable("RoleClaims"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityUserClaim<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserClaims"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityUserLogin<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserLogins"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityUserRole<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserRoles"));
    builder.Entity<IdentityUserToken<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserTokens"));

唯一改变的行是 builder.Entity<Role>(m => m.ToTable("Roles")); 。 当我运行add-migration RoleChange时我预计自上次迁移以来没有任何变化,但我收到了此错误:

The entity type 'Role' cannot be mapped to a table because it is derived from 'IdentityRole'. Only base entity types can be mapped to a table.

有人知道为什么吗? 我不明白为什么User有效,但是 Role不会....


public class DatabaseContext : IdentityDbContext<User>
    public DbSet<Claim> Claims { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// For testing only
    /// </summary>
    public DatabaseContext()


    // ReSharper disable once SuggestBaseTypeForParameter
    public DatabaseContext(DbContextOptions<DatabaseContext> options)
        : base(options)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
        // Customize the ASP.NET Identity model and override the defaults if needed.
        // For example, you can rename the ASP.NET Identity table names and more.
        // Add your customizations after calling base.OnModelCreating(builder);

        builder.Entity<User>(m => m.ToTable("Users"));
        builder.Entity<Role>(m => m.ToTable("Roles"));
        builder.Entity<IdentityRoleClaim<string>>(m => m.ToTable("RoleClaims"));
        builder.Entity<IdentityUserClaim<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserClaims"));
        builder.Entity<IdentityUserLogin<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserLogins"));
        builder.Entity<IdentityUserRole<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserRoles"));
        builder.Entity<IdentityUserToken<string>>(m => m.ToTable("UserTokens"));



public class DatabaseContext : IdentityDbContext<User>


public class DatabaseContext : IdentityDbContext<User, Role, string>

关于时间:2019-05-17 标签:c#asp.netidentityandcustomroles,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64426229/


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