r - Shiny :在reactiveValues()上观察()

标签 r shiny reactive

我围绕 reactiveValues() 变量转储创建了一个 Shiny 的应用程序。使用 observeEvent() 观察一个简单的操作按钮,我使用自定义函数填充这些值。此外,我正在尝试观察其中一个 (Query$A),以便更新另一个输入元素。

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

    Query <- reactiveValues(A=NULL, B=NULL)

        Query$A <- SomeCustomFunction(url)
        Query$B <- SomeOtherFunction(sqlScheme)
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "QueryScheme", choices =  Query$B)

    observe(Query$A, {
        QueryNames <- sort(names(Query$B))
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "SortedSchemes", choices = QueryNames)


这可能不会令一些更高级的 Shiny 开发人员感到惊讶,

Error in .getReactiveEnvironment()$currentContext() : 
  Operation not allowed without an active reactive context. (You tried to do something that can only be done from inside a reactive expression or observer.)

我想我明白为什么这不起作用,那么问题是该怎么办?我发现 isolate() 在响应式(Reactive)上下文之外工作,但我不确定这是否是实现这种逻辑的正确方法。






ui <- fluidPage(
    selectInput("QueryScheme",            "QueryScheme",           choices = sample(1:10, 3)),
    selectInput("SortedSchemes",          "SortedSchemes",         choices = sample(1:10, 3)),
    actionButton("SomeActionButton",      "SomeActionButton"),
    actionButton("UnrelatedActionButton", "UnrelatedActionButton")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    #Reactive Values
    Query <- reactiveValues(A = NULL, B = NULL)
    #Observe Some Action Button (runs once when button pressed)
        Query$A <- sample(1:10, 3)
        Query$B <- sample(1:10, 3)
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "QueryScheme", choices =  Query$B)

    #Observe reactive value Query$B (runs once when Query$B changes)
        showNotification("Query$B has changed, running Observe Function")
        QueryNames <- sort(Query$B)
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "SortedSchemes", choices = QueryNames)
    #Observe Unrelated Action Button (runs once when button pressed) note that it won't trigger the above observe function
        showNotification("UnrelatedActionButton Pressed")

shinyApp(ui, server)

关于r - Shiny :在reactiveValues()上观察(),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64759368/


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