python - 如何在sqlalchemy中指定表的填充因子?

标签 python postgresql sqlalchemy orm alembic

假设我有一个简单的表格。在原始 SQL 中,它看起来像这样:

CREATE TABLE events (id INT PRIMARY KEY) WITH (fillfactor=60);

当然,我可以通过在 sqlalchemy 中使用原始 SQL 来实现这一点,例如 execute("ALTER TABLE events SET (fillfactor=60)"),但我感兴趣是否有一种使用 native sqlalchemy 工具来做到这一点的方法。


from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class SimpleExampleTable(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'events'
    __table_args__ = {'comment': 'events table', "fillfactor": 60}

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
TypeError: Additional arguments should be named <dialectname>_<argument>, got 'fillfactor'



  • Python 3.9
  • sqlalchemy 1.3.22
  • PostgreSQL 11.6


Tbh,有同样的问题,我在 SQLAlchemy 文档中发现的唯一与 fillfactor 相关的是索引 ( link to docs ):

PostgreSQL allows storage parameters to be set on indexes. The storage parameters available depend on the index method used by the index. Storage parameters can be specified on Index using the postgresql_with keyword argument:

Index('my_index',, postgresql_with={"fillfactor": 50})


但是仍然可以选择运行原始 SQL 查询(例如 alembic 迁移):

ALTER TABLE mytable SET (fillfactor = 70);

Note that setting fillfactor on an existing table will not rearrange the data, it will only apply to future inserts. But you can use VACUUM to rewrite the table, which will respect the new fillfactor setting.


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