c++ - Boost beast::websocket 回调函数

标签 c++ boost websocket

我正在试验 Boost beast::websocket websocket_client_async.cpp例如,结合 websocket_server_async.cpp .

正如给定的那样,客户端 示例只是建立一个连接,向服务器发送一个字符串(它只是回显),打印回复,关闭并存在。

我正在尝试修改客户端以使 session 保持事件状态,以便我可以重复发送/接收字符串。因此,虽然示例代码的 on_handshake 函数会立即通过 ws_.async_write(...) 发送字符串,但我将其分离到它自己的 write(.. .) 函数。

这是我修改过的 session 类:

using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;
namespace websocket = boost::beast::websocket;

void fail(boost::system::error_code ec, char const* what)
    std::cerr << what << ": " << ec.message() << "\n";

// Sends a WebSocket message and prints the response
class session : public std::enable_shared_from_this<session>
    tcp::resolver resolver_;
    websocket::stream<tcp::socket> ws_;
    std::atomic<bool> io_in_progress_;
    boost::beast::multi_buffer buffer_;
    std::string host_;

    // Resolver and socket require an io_context
    explicit session(boost::asio::io_context& ioc) : resolver_(ioc), ws_(ioc) {
        io_in_progress_ = false;

    bool io_in_progress() const {
        return io_in_progress_;

    // +---------------------+
    // | The "open" sequence |
    // +---------------------+
    void open(char const* host, char const* port)
        host_ = host;

        // Look up the domain name
        resolver_.async_resolve(host, port,
            std::bind( &session::on_resolve, shared_from_this(),
                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 )

    void on_resolve(boost::system::error_code ec, tcp::resolver::results_type results)
        if (ec)
            return fail(ec, "resolve");

            ws_.next_layer(), results.begin(), results.end(),
            std::bind( &session::on_connect, shared_from_this(),
                std::placeholders::_1 )

    void on_connect(boost::system::error_code ec)
        if (ec)
            return fail(ec, "connect");

        ws_.async_handshake(host_, "/",
            std::bind( &session::on_handshake, shared_from_this(),
                std::placeholders::_1 )

    void on_handshake(boost::system::error_code ec)
        if (ec)
            return fail(ec, "handshake");
        else {
            std::cout << "Successful handshake with server.\n";

    // +---------------------------+
    // | The "write/read" sequence |
    // +---------------------------+
    void write(const std::string &text)
        io_in_progress_ = true;
            std::bind( &session::on_write, shared_from_this(),
                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 )

    void on_write(boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
        if (ec)
            return fail(ec, "write");

            std::bind( &session::on_read, shared_from_this(),
                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2 )

    void on_read(boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
        io_in_progress_ = false; // end of write/read sequence
        if (ec)
            return fail(ec, "read");

        std::cout << boost::beast::buffers(buffer_.data()) << std::endl;

    // +----------------------+
    // | The "close" sequence |
    // +----------------------+
    void close()
        io_in_progress_ = true;
            std::bind( &session::on_close, shared_from_this(),

    void on_close(boost::system::error_code ec)
        io_in_progress_ = false; // end of close sequence
        if (ec)
            return fail(ec, "close");

        std::cout << "Socket closed successfully.\n";

问题是,虽然连接工作正常并且我可以发送一个字符串,但永远不会命中 on_read 回调(除非我做了下面描述的丑陋的 hack)。

我的 main 看起来像这样:

void wait_for_io(std::shared_ptr<session> psession, boost::asio::io_context &ioc)
    // Continually try to run the ioc until the callbacks are finally
    // triggered (as indicated by the session::io_in_progress_ flag)
    while (psession->io_in_progress()) {

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // Check command line arguments.
    if (argc != 3) {
        std::cerr << "usage info goes here...\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    const char *host = argv[1], *port = argv[2];

    boost::asio::io_context ioc;
    std::shared_ptr<session> p = std::make_shared<session>(ioc);
    p->open(host, port);
    ioc.run(); // This works. Connection is established and all callbacks are executed.

    p->write("Hello world"); // String is sent & received by server,
                             // even before calling ioc.run()
                             // However, session::on_read callback is never
                             // reached.

    ioc.run();               // This seems to be ignored and returns immediately, so
    wait_for_io(p, ioc);     // <-- so this hack is necessary

    p->close();              // session::on_close is never reached
    ioc.run();               // Again, this seems to be ignored and returns immediately, so
    wait_for_io(p, ioc);     // <-- this is necessary

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


p->write("Hello world");
while(1) {

我可以确认服务器发送和接收了字符串1session::on_read 回调到达.

p->close() 也会发生同样的事情。

但是,如果我添加奇怪的 wait_for_io() 函数,一切正常。我很肯定这是一个可怕的黑客攻击,但我无法弄清楚发生了什么。

1 注意:我可以确认消息确实到达了服务器,因为我修改了服务器示例以将任何接收到的字符串打印到控制台。这是我所做的唯一修改。回显到客户端的功能没有改变。


io_context::run 只会在没有待处理的工作时返回。如果您只是确保一直有一个对 websocket::stream::async_read 的挂起调用处于事件状态,那么 run 将永远不会返回,并且不需要 hack .此外,您将收到服务器发送的所有消息。

关于c++ - Boost beast::websocket 回调函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50030897/


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