flutter - 是否可以在 dart 中使用 getter 作为函数参数?

标签 flutter dart freezed


repetitiveFunction(Type type) async* {
  yield* _recordCollectionQuery(type)
    .map((snapshot) {
      final List<Record> records = snapshot.docs
        .map((doc) => RecordDto.fromFirestore(doc).toDomain())
    // Here instead of using "record1.number", I want to use parameter like "record1.param"
    records.sort((record1, record2) => record2.number.compareTo(record1.number));
    return records;



您不能直接将 getter/setter 用作函数,因为 getter/setter 的目的是与成员变量无法区分。

您可以轻松地将 getters 包装在匿名函数中(例如 (record) => record.number),然后您可以为不同的 getters 提供不同的匿名函数:


Stream<List<Record>> repetitiveFunction(
  List<Record> records,
  Comparable Function(Record) getComparableProperty,
) async* {
  yield* _recordCollectionQuery(type).snapshots().map((snapshot) {
    final List<Record> records = snapshot.docs
        .map((doc) => RecordDto.fromFirestore(doc).toDomain())
    records.sort((record1, record2) => getComparableProperty(record2)
    return records;

关于flutter - 是否可以在 dart 中使用 getter 作为函数参数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66937976/


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