compilation - Gem5编译过程中的警告

标签 compilation warnings gem5

我正在使用 ubuntu18.04.5,并且我已经安装了所有必需程序并按照指南成功编译了 gem5:


*** Summary of Warnings ***
Warning: Header file <png.h> not found.
         This host has no libpng library.
         Disabling support for PNG framebuffers.
Warning: Couldn't find any HDF5 C++ libraries. Disabling HDF5 support.

我该如何修复它们? 它将如何影响用户体验?


对于 CentOS 8.3,我在构建 gem5 时收到了相同的警告消息 -

***Summary of Warnings***  
    Warning: Header file <png.h> not found.
             This host has no libpng library.
             Disabling support for PNG framebuffers. 
    Warning: Couldn't find any HDF5 C++ libraries. Disabling HDF5 support.

并使用命令解决了它 -

sudo yum install libpng-devel
sudo yum -y install hdf5-devel

对于 Ubuntu 18.04 或 20.04,使用以下命令 -

sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev

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