javascript - 如何从嵌套的 Axios 调用返回值?

标签 javascript reactjs promise axios next.js


第 2 步:如果记录不存在,则进行 POST API 调用以创建数据并返回 POST 响应。
第 3 步:如果记录已存在,则返回第 1 步的响应

第 1 步和第 2 步工作正常,我能够从 createProfileByUserIDNew 返回值。当执行步骤 3 的代码块时,createProfileByUserIDNew 不会返回任何值。


async createProfileByUserIDNew(data, email) {
        const AuthStr = 'Bearer ' + getToken();
        const response = await axios
            .get(`${baseUrl}/buyer-profiles?user_email=${email}`, {
                headers: { Authorization: AuthStr },
            .then((response) => {

                 //*****This block return proper value in the next then
                if ( === 0) {
                    return`${baseUrl}/buyer-profiles`, data, {
                        headers: { Authorization: AuthStr },
                //~~~~~~~This block return proper value in the next then

                //*****This block does not return any value in the next then
                } else {
                    return response //Return response from first axios call
                //*****This block does not return any value in the next then

            .then((response) => {           
                return (response);  //Step 2 return the value but step 3 return undefined             
            .catch((error) => console.log(JSON.stringify(error)));


const ret = createProfileByUserIDNew(
ret.then(function (response) {
    console.log(response); //Setp 2 returns proper value but step 3 return undefined
    this.setState({ buyerProfileId: });


请记住,async/await 是链接 .then()、.catch() 和 .finally() 的其他 Promise 语法的“语法糖”;换句话说,它允许您在看起来更同步的代码中处理这些类型的异步操作。

const createProfileByUserIDNew = async (data, email) => {
  const AuthStr = "Bearer " + getToken();

  try {
    // we're awaiting this response, so we don't need to chain a .then()
    // we could even destructure response into the objects we'll need later, 
    // i.e. const { data } = await axios.get(...)
    const response = await axios.get(
        headers: { Authorization: AuthStr },
    if ( === 0) {
      // do the things we need to do when we don't get the data we want
      // once again, we don't have to chain a then() to this; you may
      // have heard that 'return await' is redundant and causes some 
      // problems, but since we're in a try/catch it's ok
      // see
      return await`${baseUrl}/buyer-profiles`, data, {
        headers: { Authorization: AuthStr },
    } else {
      // the user exists, so we'll do other things, like maybe return the 
      // original response or something
      return response;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("We hit a snag:", error);

// now when we call this method (must be called from another async function), the same principles apply
const ret = await createProfileByUserIDNew(data,;
This.setState({ buyerProfileId: });

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