javascript - 是否可以在 JS 类的构造函数中调用获取初始数据的异步函数?

标签 javascript reactjs typescript mobx

我正在使用 Mobx 和 Mobx React Lite 构建一个示例应用程序,以了解如何使用这个状态管理库。当用户访问页面时,应用程序需要加载问题。像这样在构造函数中调用数据的初始加载可以吗?这会以某种方式导致错误吗?




import { observable, action } from "mobx";
import { getQuestions } from "../api/api";

export interface Question {
    category: string;
    type: string;
    question: string;
    correct_answer: string;
    incorrect_answers: string[];

export class TriviaStore {

    constructor() {
        // Is this bad?
        (async() => {
            await this.loadQuestions();

    @observable questions: Question[] = [];
    @observable currentQuestion: number = 0;

    async loadQuestions() {
        let questions: Question[] = await getQuestions();
        this.questions = questions;
    nextQuestion() {


import React from 'react';
import { TriviaStore } from '../stores/TriviaStore';

 * Store Types.
 * Add any new stores here so the context type is updated.
type RootStateContextValue = {
    triviaStore: TriviaStore;

const RootStateContext = React.createContext<RootStateContextValue>({} as RootStateContextValue);

 * Stores
 * Use this area to create instances of stores to pass down.
const triviaStore = new TriviaStore();

 * Root State Provider
 * @returns global state context wrapper.
export const RootStateProvider: React.FC<React.PropsWithChildren<{}>> = ({children}) => {
    // Finally pass new stores into the object below to send them to global state.
    return (

export const useGlobalState = () => React.useContext(RootStateContext);



@observable loading = true

constructor() {
  // Same as with your wrapper, constructor cannot be made async.

async loadQuestions() {
  let questions: Question[] = await getQuestions()
  // Newer versions of MobX will warn if runInAction missing after async call.
  runInAction(() => {
    this.questions = questions
    this.lading = false

我认为不太好的部分是将 MobX 存储与 React Context 混合在一起,我认为这是没有必要的,因为您可以直接从任何地方导入存储。

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